torek, 11. februar 2014

Daj lupčka in polèti!
Kiss and fly!

Res da se mi je letališče, kjer smo odložili sopotnico in ki pripada tako zelo turističnemu mestu, kot je Solnograd, kar malce zamerilo zaradi ne prav prijaznih odpiralnih časov tistih servisov, ki bi jih obiskovalec mesta najbolj potreboval ...

(Na primer, ko pred odhodom od doma prebereš, da se da turistično karto, ki vključuje tudi vožnjo z mestnim potniškim prometom, kupiti na letališču, in si rečeš o, je pa ne bom naročal po spletu, fino, jo bom kupil kar tam!, potem, tam, pa ugotoviš, da se trgovina, kjer dotične karte prodajajo, odpre šele čez nekaj ur, hm! [in enako je v mestu samem])

... zares nadležne zadeve, vam povem, ampak - a nimajo luštne table na uvozu vanj! :)

It is truth that an airport, where we dropped off one of our travel-companions and which belongs to a very touristic town like Salzburg is, disappointed me for having far from nicest opening hours of the services that a visitor would mostly want ...

(For example, when before leaving your home you read that a tourist card, which includes free public transport, can also be purchased in the airport and you say o, good, then I won’t order it on internet, I’ll just buy it there!, and then, there, you find out that the store where they sell it opens only after a few hours, hm! [and the same situation is in the town itself])

... really annoying stuff, but – don’t they have the most adorable sign at their entrance! :)

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