V redu, tisto z Mojimi pesmimi, mojimi sanjami sem se hecala, dejansko me te stvari ne ganejo prav dosti. Film že rada pogledam, to že, te stare klasike se v današnjem času vedno bolj priležejo, nisem pa nek fanatik, ki bi obletaval vse točke, kjer so snemali kadre zanj. Ne rečem, če te že pot nese mimo in si rečeš v redu pa iz golega firbca vržeš pogled, če ti bo res kaj znano.
In kaj mi je bilo torej v Solnogradu zares najbolj všeč? Poleg zavedanja, da si v istih prostorih, kjer je pred mnogo leti ugledal luč sveta in kasneje ustvarjal Mozart (v takih trenutkih, ne da mi ni mar za vse razstavljene muzejske dokumente, le preveč jih je, preveč je vsega, da bi si lepo v miru vse ogledala, zato v takih primerih mnogo raje porabim čas za zavedanje, torej, da dejansko skušam dojeti, ujeti trenutek, shraniti spomin, kje se nahajam; ni namreč lahko sprejeti, zares sprejeti, te duhovne, časovne in prostorske zagonetke, kajne?, mislim, ne da si samo OGLEDUJEŠ njegove prostore, ampak SI v istih kot nekoč on), in zreš v glasbila tega genija, v živo; se pravi, poleg tega in gradu, na katerem niti nisem bila prvič in na katere že tako ali tako padam kjerkoli, mi je bilo najbolj všeč pokopališče sv. Petra, Petersfriedhof, pod njim, ob vznožju grajskega griča, in si s tem priznanjem pri nekaterih zaslužila, sicer v hecu dodeljeno, oznako čudakinje. :)
Ah, in ja, skoraj nerodno mi je priznati, ker, prisežem, da niti približno ne padam na nakit, vsaj ne na takega, ki mu je največji okras cena ali pa znamka, in še posebej ne na izletih, kjer je to pač zadnja stvar, ki bi me zanimala, logično, ampak ko nas je pot po prihodu z grajskega griča speljala skozi oranžno-rumeno-zlato trgovinico z izdelki iz jantarja, sem kar nekajkrat zavzdihnila, oči pa se mi niso in niso mogle odlepiti od tega medenega blišča in v glavi so se mi slikale take vzvišene povezave, podobe zgodovine, starodavne jantarjeve poti, čudeži narave in … in tudi kakšna povsem posvetna, kako bi imela kakšen tak obesek ali broško in si s tem v istem dnevu prislužila še drugi naslov - da sem plehka, najlepšavamhvala! :)
Ok, that with The Sound of Music was a joke; in fact I do not care much about these things. I do like to watch the movie, I do, these old classics do so much good to you nowadays, but I am not some fanatic who would fly around visiting all the movie scenes. I am not saying I won’t take a quick glance at it in case I pass by and maybe want to try to remember, if there is something familiar to my eyes.
So, what I really liked most in Salzburg then? Beside the awareness of being in the same rooms where many years ago Mozart was born and in which later he created (in such moments not that I don’t care about all exhibited museum documents, it is just that there are too many to see and read them all without being disturbed, so in such cases I so much prefer to spend my time there for awareness, that is, to actually try to comprehend, to catch the moment, to save the memory of my current location; namely, it is not easy to accept, really accept, this spiritual, time and space puzzle, isn’t it?, I mean, not that you are just LOOKING AT his rooms, you actually ARE in the same where he once was) and then you stare into those same instruments of the music genius, in live; I mean beside that and the castle, which I even didn’t visit for the first time and which are my soft spot anywhere on general anyway, I most liked St. Peter’s cemetery, Petersfriedhof, at the foothill of it and therefore earned a label of a weirdo, assigned in a joke manner, by some co-travellers. :)
Ah, and yes, it is almost embarrassing to admit, because, I swear, I don’t fall for jewellery at all, at least to the kind where price or brand are its brightest shine and especially not on trips, where this sort of things would be the last thing that would interest me, logically, but when a path at the bottom of the castle-hill led us through orange-yellow-golden shop with amber products I sighed once or twice, my eyes just couldn’t detach of all that honey splendour and my head was full of sublime associations like images of history, ancient amber paths, miracles of nature and … and also one quite earthy wish about having one of those pendants or brooches and therefore in the same day earned my second title, as being shallow, thankyouverymuch! :)
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