četrtek, 6. februar 2014

Zamrznjena dežela
Frozen land

Logatec je eno od mest, ki je v teh dneh utrpelo največjo škodo zaradi žledu in ki so ga vremenske nevšečnosti osamile. V led so bile ovite celo zunanje stene stavb, še vedno se ne ve, kdaj bo elektrika, šele včeraj pa se je delno vzpostavil sistem mobilne telefonije, ki še vedno ne deluje nemoteno.

Napoleonov drevored [na šestem in zadnjem posnetku], ponos mesta, ki je s svojima skoraj dvema kilometroma eden najveličastnejših v državi ter je bil zasajen v čast poroke Napoleona in avstrijske princese Marie-Louise, po kateri se je sprva imenoval, in ki s svojimi 290 lipami krasi severni vhod v mesto, je le še senca samega sebe. Žalostno.

Ker še vedno jadrava med dvema domovoma, enim v Logatcu in drugim v Ljubljani, sva bila prava srečkota, pa bi zlahka ne bila, saj je bilo (ali je še?) nedaleč stran od tega, slednjega, eno od naselij več dni brez elektrike in tudi pri nas je bilo zunaj dokaj grozljivo, tisto, ko te stiska v prsih, verjetno tako, kot je žled stiskal, upogibal in lomil drevesa, sem zadnje dni tako veliko premišljevala o tem, kako stvari jemljemo za samoumevne, pa niso. Ne da sem bila doslej kak brezbrižnež in česa takega nisem občasno počela že prej, a zdaj se vsakič, ko prižgem luč ali odprem vodo, v glavi potiho zahvalim. Ker to JE razkošje!

V takih dneh vedno občudujem požrtvovalno delo ljudi, ki rešujejo situacijo, bodisi po službeni dolžnosti bodisi prostovoljno, po drugi strani pa ne dojemam ljudi, ki služijo na račun nesreče drugega, na primer – hopla! – dajmo na hitro dvignit cene agregatov, zdajle bo naval!, če izpostavim samo ta primer. To presega meje mojega razumevanja, prav zares.

Kakorkoli, kljub temu je Miro z obilo težavami občasno vendarle šel v Logatec. Moral. Ker drugačna komunikacija ni bila možna. Njegov mobilni telefon pa vseeno ni bil popolnoma nekoristen. Posnel je celo serijo fotografij, ki si jih lahko pogledate zgoraj in ki sem jih po svojem okusu izbrala in za potrebe bloga, ker je javen, tudi malce obdelala.

Tule pa si lahko pogledate lepe, vendar grozljive posnetke iz še enega notranjskega mesta, Postojne.

The whole country is experiencing a huge catastrophe caused by sleet. Half of our beautiful forests that we are so proud of (and which cover more than half of our territory) are ruined and will take a couple of decades to restore, three quarters of schools across the country was (and some still are) closed and up to quarter of population was (and many still are) without power or any kind of connection to the world.

Logatec, one of my two towns, is one of the most damaged. Almost two kilometers long Napoleon tree-avenue [in the sixth and the last picture], one of the longest and most magnificent in the country and a proud symbol of the town, made of 290 linden trees planted at the north entrance to the town in the time of Napoleon rule (it was planted to mark the wedding of Napoleon Bonaparte and the Austrian princess Marie-Louise and was named after her at the beginning), is now just a shadow of itself. So sad.

Many firefighters and army members from different parts of our country came to help and German and Austrian firefighters brought some additional aggregates. And this is only a tiny beginning of a rehabilitation. 

Above are some self-phone photos made by Miro, who occasionally had to go there during these past days, because there was no other communication possibility and as this is a public blog, I edited them a bit.

And here is a link to the beautiful yet scary photos of Postojna, another severely hit town, quite close to Logatec. In these towns the ice was thick more than 5 centimetres and it covered everything, including facades of the houses.

These past few days I have been admiring all people who are helping and rescuing the situation and I am also thinking a lot about how we take all things for granted. Not that I haven’t been occasionally doing this before, but now I really say thanks in my head every time I switch a light on or open a water pipe. It IS such a luxury!

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