torek, 28. september 2010


Kot nekateri že veste,
je moja najljubša čokolada Ritter marcipan,
vendar se sem pa tja zgodi
kakšen dramatičen preobrat. :)

As some of you already know,
my favourite chocolate is Ritter marzipan,
but every now and then
some dramatic turnaround happens. :)

Po temle brutalnem pokolu…

After this brutal massacre…

… sva z Mirom končno dojela,
da je čas za nekaj novega;

… Miro and I finally realized
that it is time for something new:

Žal mi je, moj dragi Marcipan,
trenutno je moja ljubljenka Olympia! :)

I’m so sorry, my dear Marzipan,
but at the moment I have a new love – Olympia! :)

sobota, 25. september 2010


Se spomnite, ko smo peljali sestrino sliko v Piran?
No, bil bi greh biti tam in se ne sprehoditi
skozi to očarljivo obmorsko mestece,
pa čeprav že stoprvič. :)

Remember us, transporting my sister’s painting to Piran?
Well, it would be a sin being there and not stroll
through this charming coastal town of ours,
even though already for the 101st time. :)

cerkev sv. Jurija / church of st. George:
ob jasnem vremenu se z obzidja cerkve vidi vse tja do Benetk;
on a clear day you can even see Venice (in Italy) from the church walls:

petek, 24. september 2010

V nastajanju
In progress

Nova AVGUSTvarjanja slika na steklu v nastajanju;

New AVGUSTvarjanja painting on glass in progress:

četrtek, 23. september 2010

Bogastvo za jesen
Richness for autumn

Na prvi jesenski dan objavljam eno svojih najzgodnejših slik na steklu,
ki sem jo naslikala preden je minilo leto od mojega prvega tovrstnega poskusa.

Naslikala sem jo s še drugo znamko barv, kot jih uporabljam danes;
za rojstni dan bratranca, takrat še najstnika.

On the first autumn day I’m posting one of my earliest AVGUSTvarjanja works,
which I painted within a year of my first glass-painting attempt.

I remember painting it with a different colour-brand as I do today;
for a birthday gift for my cousin, a teenage-boy back then.

It’s a poem by contemporary Slovenian poet.
She writes about how it is important for a young soul
to appreciate the beauties of nature
and to open wide her/his senses,
because that is the best investment to the future –
- the greatest richness in the storage of a soul.

torek, 21. september 2010

Sočen papir
Juicy paper

Ovojni papir za rojstnodnevno darilo
prijateljici Katarini,
oblikovan pred dobrim tednom;

Wrapping paper for a birthday gift
for my friend Katarina,
designed about a week ago:

Vzorčki so vzeti z dveh mojih starejših AVGUSTvarjanja slik na steklu.

Elements are taken from two of my older AVGUSTvarjanja paintings on glass.

ponedeljek, 20. september 2010

Pod vodo
Under water

Slike narasle Save pri Tacnu sem posnela včeraj, ko je bila gladina reke že približno pol metra nižja kot prejšnji dan.

Upam, da se bo stanje čimprej umirilo in ljudem prineslo mir.

There was a lot of rain over the past weekend causing one of the biggest floods in our history.

Almost all of Slovenia is under the water, even the capital Ljubljana. More than two-thirds of the country is affected: flooded, destroyed or threatened by landslides or cut off. Unfortunately two people dead, one missing.

I took these pictures of Sava River at Tacen rapids yesterday. By the time the water level was already half a meter lower then it was the day before.

sobota, 18. september 2010

Dunaj Bratislava Budimpešta
Vienna Bratislava Budapest

Kot sem omenila včeraj, sva si po obisku razstave Fride Kahlo na hitro ogledala še tri mesta, ki imajo veliko skupnega: vsa tri so prestolnice srednjeevropskih držav, skoznje teče Donava in imajo skupno zgodovino iz časa Avstro-Ogrske (Habsburške) monarhije.

Odločila sva se, da bova, tako kot se spodobi, v vsaki od držav jedla njihovo domačo hrano.

As I mentioned yesterday, Miro and I did a quick sightseeing of three cities after visiting the Frida Kahlo exhibition.

They have a lot in common: all of them are capitals of Central-European countries, the river Danube runs through them and the Austro-Hungarian (Habsburg) Monarchy was a big part of their history.

We decided to eat local traditional food in each of the country. It was nothing exotic for us, because except of Slovakian dish everything is very familiar to us, since the other two are commonly in use and very spread also in our country. We like both of them and now we like also the new one. :)

(Avstrija / Austria):

wiener schnitzel
(dunajski zrezek / vienna steak):

Prespala sva v Podersdorfu ob Nežiderskem jezeru v Avstriji...

We stopped for the night at Podersdorf by Neusiedl Lake in Austria...

... kjer sva kupila tudi njihovo hišno vino;
... where we bought the house wine:


(Slovaška / Slovakia):

bryndzové halušky
(krompirjevi cmočki z ovčjim sirom in slanino
potato dumplings with bryndza sheep cheese and bacon):

s poti / from the way:


(Madžarska / Hungary):

(golaževa juha / goulash soup):

Prijetno utrujena in polna vtisov sva se vrnila v še eno od simpatičnih mest, domov, v Ljubljano, ki bi prav tako lahko bila na zgornjem spisku, z izjemo dejstva, da jo je Donava »zgrešila«. :)

Pleasantly tired and full of impressions we returned to another lovely city, our home Ljubljana, that could also be on the list above, except the fact that Danube River “missed” it. :)

petek, 17. september 2010

Frida Kahlo

V sredo sva si na Dunaju ogledala
razstavo Fride Kahlo.

Kako lepo je bilo njene slike videti v živo!

On Wednesday Miro and I visited
the Frida Kahlo exhibition in Vienna.

It was so special to see her original paintings!

Ogledala sva si tudi mesto,
izlet pa razvlekla na dva dni,
tako da sva obiskala še Bratislavo in Budimpešto,
skupaj torej tri čudovita srednjeevropska mesta.
Vendar več o tem drugič.

Then we took a look at the city a bit
and decided to extend our little trip to two days
to drive also to Bratislava and Budapest,
altogether that is three magnificant central-European cities.
But more about that another time.

torek, 14. september 2010

Z vlakom na kavico
For a coffee by train

Dedek nas je danes povabil na kavico.
Vendar takó, da gremo vsi skupaj
z vlakom na Jesenice.

Všeč mi je, da iz vsake malenkosti
vedno naredi dobro zabavo in hec :)

Grandfather invited us today for a coffee.
But to go all together with a train to Jesenice,
which is in the north-west corner of Slovenia.

I like how he always makes good time
and fun from every tiny little thing :)

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