ponedeljek, 13. september 2010


Spomin na poletje,
kljub temu, da še vedno je poletje! :)

Memory of summer,
eventhogh it still is summer! :)

Steblo in listi z ene mojih AVGUSTvarjanja slik na steklu.

Stem with leaves from one of my AVGUSTvarjanja paintings on glass.

6 komentarjev:

  1. i like all sorts of melons :) both on a plate and in perfume :)

  2. OH! This is SOOO pretty! I love it!

  3. Ah yes, I am holding onto summer too! I just was looking through your recent posts and the pictures of the hanging bridge are amazing, what a beautiful place you live! Congratulations on all of the Etsy treasuries too!

  4. i like your work of art!
    Hello from Zreče - Maribor)))

  5. Thanks for all your nice words!

    Hiven and Polina: hello and welcome! :)


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