Naprodaj je moja nova AVGUSTvarjanja slika na steklu - Srečni mehurčki. :)
No, pravzaprav ni nova, sem jo pa polepšala.
Par let domovanja v nekem razstavnem prostoru ji je namreč pustilo posledice -
– k meni se je namreč vrnila z manjšo brazgotinico.
Najprej sem imela namen prebarvati le tisti delček slike, nastalo pa je tole;
My new AVGUSTvarjanja painting on glass - Happy bubbles :) is for sale.
Well, actually it isn’t new, I just freshened it a bit.
Few years of hanging in a showroom didn’t leave it without consequences –
- it returned to me with a tiny scar.
My first intention was to repaint just that little piece of the painting, but the final result is this:

Za primerjavo objavljam tudi sliko pred preobrazbo
(morda se je spominjate iz te objave?);
For comparison I’m posting the painting before makeover
(maybe you remember it from this post?):

Super si jo prenovila. Kar bolj živahna je postala. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiOh wow, how beautiful! The finished piece with the extra bubbles is amazing! Happy weekend, sweetie :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiwhat a nice makeover :) it looks more aboriginal now with those tiny dots and shows how plain prevously it was :P
OdgovoriIzbrišilike that style!
do you use also other colours? blues, greens, purples? :D just curious
Nataša in Diana, hvala, thanks! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiTitania: Yes, I use them also, all of those that you mentioned and more :). Last years not as much as at the beginning, but I keep returning to them from time to time for sure.
And yes, you are right - didn't think of that Aboriginal dreaming dots :) - love them, so great you remembered me! :)
Imejte se lepo, have a great time all! :)