ponedeljek, 31. januar 2011

Moj blog triptih
My blog triptych

Takó, končno sem izbrala tri bisere, tri najsvetlejše cvetove z blogovskih polján, ki bi jih najraje uokvirila in jih imela na steni!

To se mi je motalo po glavi že nekaj časa. Predstaviti vam tri moje najljubše ustvarjalce, »odznotraj navzven«: enega iz moje deželice, enega iz širše domovine, in enega iz vsega preostalega širnega sveta.

Ne bom še izdala, kateri trije so to, naj za nekaj časa ostane še skrivnost, lahko povem le, da je bilo izbirati med toliko čudovitimi blogi presneto težko. Vendar odločitev je padla in lépo je zavedanje, da je, poleg teh, okoli mene še toliko lepih ustvarjalnih energij, ki bi si jih tudi rada takole uokvirila.

Vsi ti trije blogi me navdušujejo, mi dajo misliti, mi lepšajo vsakdan in me spravljajo v dobro voljo.

Zdaj me čaka prijetnejša, a vseeno ne lahka naloga: med vsemi prelepimi slikami jih od vsakega izbrati samo nekaj. Saj zmoreš, Maja! :) 

Takó, I’ve finally chosen three pearls, three of the shiniest flowers from blog-fields, which I’d like to frame and keep them on my wall!

This is something I have been wanting to do for quite some time now. To present my three favourite artists, “from inside out”: one from my homeland, Slovenia, one from my wider homeland, Europe, and one from the whole wide rest of the world, our common beloved home.

I will not tell you yet who they are, let it be a secret for awhile; I can just say that it was not easy at all, picking up among such creative people. But decision was made and it is such a nice awareness that there are still so many beautiful creative minds out there, beside these three, all waiting to be framed.

These three blogs inspire me, they make me think, they brighten my day and make me laugh.

Now I have more pleasant, but still not easy job to do: pick up just few pictures from each of the three. You can do it, Maja! :)

nedelja, 30. januar 2011

Sladek večer
Sweet evening

Malo pisanja na steklo in današnja večerja: sadje, prelito s temno čokolado, in kuhanec, ki so ga nekateri popili nekoliko hitreje kot drugi. :)
Little of glass handwriting and then tonight’s dinner: fruit with dark chocolate poured over and kuhanec - mulled wine. Some drank it just a bit faster than other. :) 

sobota, 29. januar 2011

Dan v Logatcu
A day in Logatec

Dan v Logatcu. Spet obilica dela, vmes pa odlično kosilo pri Jeršinu, zrezek v karijevi omaki s sadjem.

A day in Logatec. A lot of work waiting again and delicious lunch at Jeršin, steak in curry sauce with fruits.

petek, 28. januar 2011

In zmagovalka je...
And the winner is...

Hvala vsem, ki ste sodelovale. :)

The winner of my postcard giveaway is Vladuška. Congratulations! :)

četrtek, 27. januar 2011

Privatno poletje gospoda Pujsa
Private summer of Mr. Pig

Vse se da, če se hoče. Tudi na tako siv in pust dan, kot je današnji, si lahko prikličete sonce...

Everything is possible if there is a will. Even on such a grey and dull day as today,
you can bring the sun into your life...

... tako kot tale iznajdljivi pujs, ki nama ga je pred nekaj leti za novo leto naredila sestra.

Sprva sva ga hotela, tako kot mnoge druge spominke, spremeniti v okrasek za na smrečico, pa je bil težek kot pujs, zato sva ga izločila. Potem se je namestil na kamenčke, ki sva jih pred leti prinesla z neumske plaže, in si za zaščito pred soncem odprl mini koktejlski senčnik z enega najinih zmenkov (ne s pujsom!).

Za kuliso mu odlično služi kar logaška pokrajina, ki nama jo je mimogrede naslikala (kdo drug kot) moja sestra, ob enem njenih obiskov tam.

Za konec si je gospod prižgal še moje digitalno AVGUSTvarjanja sonce.

Kaj mu manjka! Biti središče takega tihožitja tudi ni kar tako!


... just like this clever pig, who was made by my sister as a New Year’s gift for Miro and me.

At first we wanted to change him into tree-decoration, as so many little souvenirs before, but he was heavy like a pig, so he was eliminated. Then he placed himself onto pebbles, picked up years ago on the beach in Neum in Bosnia and Herzegovina. For sun protection he opened a little cocktail-umbrella from one of our dates (not with the pig!).

Landscape of Logatec serves him as good backdrop scenery. It was painted for us by (who else than) my sister at one of her visits there.

For the end he switched on my digital AVGUSTvarjanja sun.

What could he want more! To be the centre of such still life – it is not just like that!


sreda, 26. januar 2011

Igrive razglednice
Playful postcards

Moji »srečni mehurčki« zdaj tudi na razglednicah, ki so že na voljo v moji trgovinici;
kot zbirka 5-ih ali zbirka 10-ih.

My “happy bubbles” are from now on also on postcards, which are already available in my shop;
as set of 5 or set of 10.

ponedeljek, 24. januar 2011

Slikarsko kraljestvo
Painting kingdom

O, kako rada sem v sestrinem slikarskem kraljestvu, še posebej, če se kaj novega dogaja! 
O, how I love being in my sister's painting kingdom, especially when there is something new going on!

nedelja, 23. januar 2011

Še en lep dan
Another beautiful day

Tokrat na Križni gori pri Škofji Loki. V prijetni družbi.
Prvič tam. Prav gotovo ne zadnjič.

This time on Križna gora hill near Škofja Loka town. In a nice company.
First time there. Certainly not the last.

Legenda pravi, da naj bi cerkvico s konca 15. stoletja začeli graditi v vasi nedaleč stran, vendar pa naj bi se vse, kar so zgradili podnevi, ponoči čudežno premaknilo na sosednji grič. Tako je cerkvica ostala tam. Notranjost krasijo dragocene gotske freske iz leta 1502.

Bilo je sončno in peklensko mrzlo. Prijetna pot se je vila skozi dišeče gozdičke. Obožujem ta mogočna drevesa! Lahko smo srečni, da prekrivajo velik del naše deželice. 

According to the legend the church from the end of the 15th century supposed to be built in the village not far away. But everything built over daytime was mysteriously moved to the neighbouring hill over the night. So the church stayed there. The interior is decorated with valuable Gothic frescoes from 1502.

It was sunny and hellish cold. Pleasant path led us through nice smelling woods. How I love these mighty trees. Did you know that Slovenia is one of the most forested countries in Europe? How lucky we are!

sobota, 22. januar 2011

Gozdne zverinice
Little forest-beasts

Zima je, mraz je, snega pa nikjer. Danes sva ugotovila, zakaj. Pojedo ga male zverinice, ki živijo v gozdu. Če kakšno srečate, hitro splezajte na najvišje drevo, da vas ne dobi!

It is winter, it is cold, but no snow anywhere. Today we found out why. It is all eaten by those little beasts living in forests. If you meet one, climb quickly on a tallest tree so that it can’t get you!


petek, 21. januar 2011

Poskusne čačke v okvirju
Test doodles in a frame

Danes sem se malo poigrala s flumastri-čopički, ki sem jih dobila za novo leto. Naredila sem par čačk in črt, da začutim, kako se tuš obnaša na papirju in se prepustila lepim zemeljskim barvnim kombinacijam.
Delček sem kar uokvirila. :)

Želim vam lep vikend!

Today I played a little with artist pens that I got for New Year. I made few doodles and drew some lines to feel how the ink behaves on the paper and tried all beautiful earthy color combinations.
I found one piece so interesting, that I just framed it. :)

I wish you a nice weekend!

sreda, 19. januar 2011

Zaljubljeno darilce
Giveaway in love

-klikni na gornjo sliko za vstop v mojo trgovinico, na oddelek kartic-
-click on the picture above to enter my shop’s cards section-

-klikni na gornjo sliko za vstop na glavno stran moje trgovinice-
-click on the picture above to enter my shop’s main page-

Pretekle dni je bilo res prav pomladno vzdušje. Novim napovedim mraza in snega kljubujem s čisto novimi ljubezenskimi razglednicami, kot nakazano v eni prejšnjih objav.
V zahvalo vsem vam, ki spremljate moj blog, in v čast 200. objavi pa eno enemu izmed vas podarim.
Ne da bi bil samo en dan v letu, ko slavimo ljubezen, pa vendar me zanima, kateri praznik je vam ljubši: valentinovo ali gregorjevo? :)
Dobitnika kartice objavim 28. januarja.

Preberi si zgodbo o škorčici, ki dela družbo razglednicam na drugi sliki.

Razglednice so naprodaj v moji Etsy trgovinici,
posamezne ali v kompletu petih, kjer je več informacij in slik.

Past few days gave us a real spring feeling. But there are forecasts about cold and snow coming again and I'm countering that with my quite new love postcards as indicated in one of previous posts.
To thank all of you who follow my blog and to honor the 200th post I’m giving one away as a gift to one of you out there.
Not that there is just one day in year to celebrate love, but still I’m curious which one do you prefer: Valentine’s Day or St. Gregory’s Day?
I will anounce the winner, who will get the card, on 28th of January.

Read the story about škorčica, who is next to the postcards on the second photo.

Postcards are now for sale in my Etsy shop, just 1 or collection of 5,
where you can also see more information and photos.

torek, 18. januar 2011


Pogled proti današnjemu cilju s sosednjega grička. 
Looking toward today's destination from a neighbouring hill.

Sv. Jakob z istoimensko cerkvico z začetka 17. stoletja, s Triglavom v ozadju. 
Že neštetokrat obiskan hribček, ki ga nikoli ne neham občudovati!
Sv. Jakob hill with a church from early 17th century and Alps in the background with Slovenia’s highest mountain Triglav (2864m) on the left. 
Countless times visited hill which I still can not stop admiring!

nedelja, 16. januar 2011

Nad meglo
Above the fog

Današnje dopoldne, ko je bila v dolini še megla, sva izkoristila za obisk Osovnika, odkar pomnim, zame ene najlepših pohodniških točk. Malo sva posedela na klopci pri cerkvici sv. Mohorja in Fortunata iz leta 1551 in slutila pomlad. 

Today morning when there was still fog in the valleys, we visited Osovnik hill close to our home.
And even though Slovenia is full of such wonderful hiking destinations, this is undoubtedly one of my favourites for as long as I remember.
At the top we sat on one of many benches by the church of sv. Mohor in Fortunat (st. Hermagor and Fortunat) from 1551, wondering where all the snow has gone so fast and we felt like in the middle of spring already.

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