torek, 16. julij 2013

Medsosedski incident
Inter-neighboural incident

Miro je včeraj pri zalivanju vrta kar konkretno (in, kot je rekel, ponesreči, ker ga je hecala črpalka) zalil sosedo na drugi strani ograje in to takoj po tem, ko si je reva umila lase in naredila pričesko.

Na srečo je bila nežna deževnica in gospa mu seveda ni zamerila, že tako ali tako, ker je pač zelo prijazna, mislim pa, da ga je še posebej rešilo dejstvo, da ji je ravno malo pred tem na njeno prošnjo razlagal en recept. :)

No, nesrečnega medsoseskega incidenta, ki je vključeval tudi smeh nekaterih navzočih sosedov :), nisem posnela, sem pa zato nebo nad cerkniško cerkvijo nekaj dni pred tem.

Yesterday when Miro was watering the garden he concretely (and, as he said, accidentally, because he had problems with the pump) watered also our neighbour across the fence, just after the poor lady washed and made her hair.

Luckily it was gentle rain water and of course she didn’t resent him, because she is a very nice person, but the fact, that just before it all happened he was explaining to her one of the recipes she wanted to know, saved him, too, I believe. :)

Well, I haven’t photographed the unfortunate inter-neighboural incident which included also laughter of some other neighbours :), but I did take a picture of the sky above the church in Cerknica a few days earlier instead.

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