Prvič sem bila na postavljanju mlajev mladoporočencema. Bilo je tako noro kot zabavno. Šefe teh mladcev se je drl nanje kot v vojski, res, še jaz sem poskočila vsakič, ko je zakričal :), ampak prav je tako – njihova varnost je le na prvem mestu.
In Slovenia, when two people get married, there is a tradition to raise a mlaj (like a maypole) in front of a bride’s house a few days earlier, when they usually have a pre-wedding party.
It is a spruce, with all branches and bark being removed except on the top of it, decorated with colourful ribbons and a wreath. There are always two of them in the entrance of a yard, holding a wooden board with a sign wishing good luck to both of them in between.
This was the first time I witnessed the raising and it was both awesome and fun. The captain of a group of young men doing all this work was giving them orders by yelling to them so much I jumped every time he shouted, really! :) But of course, it should be so – their safety is in the first place.
Tole je pa prav zabavno, tudi jaz sem bila v soboto na predporocni zabavi, kjer so postavljali mlaj. Pri nas je bilo sicer malo manj organizirano in se je vleklo cez pol dneva. Ampak je bilo zabavno :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiTako profi je organizirano, če sta oba iz gostilniških družin. :)