Po skoraj (že?!) sedmih letih jadralskega premora sva si šla minuli konec tedna ogledat zaključne plove na letošnjem državnem prvenstvu v fireballu, tokrat za spremembo ne na morju, temveč na Velenjskem jezeru. Aaah, sva si šla zbujat tekmovalske skomine!
Zadnje čase vse pogosteje sanjariva o tem, da bi barčico, ki sameva na vrtu in jo je že načel zob časa in tudi mladostniški Zojin zob, heh, čisto zares!, ponovno usposobila; res, ko imaš vsega poln kufer, kako blagodejni so bili takile vikendaški odklopi.
O, lej, vidim naju!, drenjajoča se v gneči drugih jadrničk, na eni od starih fotk na naslovnici prenovljene spletne strani! :)
Mimogrede, letos septembra bo v Portorožu evropsko in svetovno prvenstvo.
After almost (already?!) seven years of sailing pause we went to see the final races of Slovenian Fireball Nationals last weekend, this time not at the sea for a change, but at a mainland lake at Velenje. Aaah, it was so nostalgically tempting watching them racing!
Lately we are daydreaming more often about getting our little sleeping boat in the garden back in shape. It is destroyed by the tooth of time, as we say here, and also by the adolescent Zoja’s tooth, heh, I'm not kidding!, really, those times, when you've had it up to there - it is nothing better than a weekend switch off like that.
Oh, look, I can see us, Miro and me, sailing somewhere in the crowd in one of the front page old cover photos in the renewed website! :)
By the way, Fireball Europeans and Worlds will be in September in Portorož.
Ja, nic. Bo treba ponovno usposobit barcico in se podat na vodo :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiJah, očitno res! :)