petek, 28. februar 2014


Tik preden sem jo napadla, je Miro posnel mojo v krušni peči oskorjeno skledo ajdove kaše
z jurčki in kislo smetano*. Včasih je taka okusna skleda vse, kar potrebuješ.

[*gostilna Pri Ingliču v Škofji Loki]

Just before I attacked it, Miro took a picture of my bowl of bread-oven-baked buckwheat kasha
with mushrooms topped with sour cream. Sometimes this sort of delicious bowl is all you need.

četrtek, 27. februar 2014

Socialna razslojenost
Social differences

A niso ti hoteli za žuželke ena posrečena stvar! Ma, že samo ime me spravlja v dobro voljo. :) …
Aren't these insect hotels one clever thing! You know, just the name itself puts me in a good mood. :) …

… ampak, kaj? - a tisti žuži, ki nimajo dovolj denarja za hotel, pa takole, heh?
… but what? – other ones, which don't have enough money for a hotel,
do they spend their holidays this way, heh?

ponedeljek, 24. februar 2014

V 'Loko
To 'Loka

Ne vem, zakaj, ampak skoraj vsakič, kadar sem v Škofji Loki, grem k Homanu na kavico, pa čeprav sem le priložnostna kavopivka (morda pa zato takrat še toliko bolj paše), in prav vsakič, ko sedim pred tisto krasno hišo na glavnem trgu, se spomnim, kako so me, najraje poleti, kot otroka tja nekajkrat gnali na kolesu, to je - iz Ljubljane v 'Loko, v redu, sicer iz tistega dela, ki je temu srednjeveškemu mestecu najbližje, pa vseeno; seveda, ne na kavo. :)

Zdaj so spomini prelepi, pravzaprav so bili tudi takrat, takoj ko smo sedli v senčko tiste razkošne stoletne lipe, ki še vedno kraljuje na tistem privlačnem vrtu.

I don’t know why, but almost every time when I am in Škofja Loka I go to Homan cafeteria and sweetshop to have a cup of coffee, even though I am just an occasional coffee-drinker (maybe this is a reason I enjoy it even more), and every single time when I sit in front of that gorgeous house in the main town square I remember how I was
being “forced” few times as a child to go there by bicycle, that is - from the capital to 'Loka, ok, from that part which is closest to this medieval town, so it was less than 15 km, but nevertheless, preferably in the summertime; of course, not to have a coffee. :)

Now the memories are so beautiful, actually they were even back then, as soon as we sat down in the shadow of that luxurious centenary linden tree which still reigns in the middle of that attractive café garden.

torek, 18. februar 2014

Mačje društvo
A cat lodge

Niso ravno risi, navijajo pa vseeno! :)

Technically they are not risi*, but cheering anyway! :)

*Risi [=lynxes], like one of the symbols of our forests [who, by the way, are very popular these days when the whole country was facing terrible sleet storms], is how we call our hockey players who are currently living their biggest success in the Olympic tournament in Sochi. As always, all our sportswomen and sportsmen are making us so proud. On these games we have already won 6 medals so far, two of them gold. And we are a nation of only 2 millions, so do the maths. :)

ponedeljek, 17. februar 2014

Mavrica in zvončki
Rainbow and snowdrops

Včerajšnja mavrica, rišoča se na nebo zaradi lahnega dežja,
ki ga je prijetno predrzen veter v soncu prinašal od kdo ve kod,
in zvončki, ki so vzcveteli okoli ranjenega drevja,
so bili samo še pika na i, ki sem jo potrebovala,
da se dokončno poslovim od teh nekaj smrkastih dni.

Yesterday was beautiful. It was sunny day, but pleasantly cheeky
wind was bringing light rain from who knows where.
Rainbow, which was therefore formed, and the snowdrops, which grew
around wounded trees, was all I needed to truly end my sick-days.

torek, 11. februar 2014

Daj lupčka in polèti!
Kiss and fly!

Res da se mi je letališče, kjer smo odložili sopotnico in ki pripada tako zelo turističnemu mestu, kot je Solnograd, kar malce zamerilo zaradi ne prav prijaznih odpiralnih časov tistih servisov, ki bi jih obiskovalec mesta najbolj potreboval ...

(Na primer, ko pred odhodom od doma prebereš, da se da turistično karto, ki vključuje tudi vožnjo z mestnim potniškim prometom, kupiti na letališču, in si rečeš o, je pa ne bom naročal po spletu, fino, jo bom kupil kar tam!, potem, tam, pa ugotoviš, da se trgovina, kjer dotične karte prodajajo, odpre šele čez nekaj ur, hm! [in enako je v mestu samem])

... zares nadležne zadeve, vam povem, ampak - a nimajo luštne table na uvozu vanj! :)

It is truth that an airport, where we dropped off one of our travel-companions and which belongs to a very touristic town like Salzburg is, disappointed me for having far from nicest opening hours of the services that a visitor would mostly want ...

(For example, when before leaving your home you read that a tourist card, which includes free public transport, can also be purchased in the airport and you say o, good, then I won’t order it on internet, I’ll just buy it there!, and then, there, you find out that the store where they sell it opens only after a few hours, hm! [and the same situation is in the town itself])

... really annoying stuff, but – don’t they have the most adorable sign at their entrance! :)

ponedeljek, 10. februar 2014

Plehka čudakinja
A shallow weirdo

V redu, tisto z Mojimi pesmimi, mojimi sanjami sem se hecala, dejansko me te stvari ne ganejo prav dosti. Film že rada pogledam, to že, te stare klasike se v današnjem času vedno bolj priležejo, nisem pa nek fanatik, ki bi obletaval vse točke, kjer so snemali kadre zanj. Ne rečem, če te že pot nese mimo in si rečeš v redu pa iz golega firbca vržeš pogled, če ti bo res kaj znano.

In kaj mi je bilo torej v Solnogradu zares najbolj všeč? Poleg zavedanja, da si v istih prostorih, kjer je pred mnogo leti ugledal luč sveta in kasneje ustvarjal Mozart (v takih trenutkih, ne da mi ni mar za vse razstavljene muzejske dokumente, le preveč jih je, preveč je vsega, da bi si lepo v miru vse ogledala, zato v takih primerih mnogo raje porabim čas za zavedanje, torej, da dejansko skušam dojeti, ujeti trenutek, shraniti spomin, kje se nahajam; ni namreč lahko sprejeti, zares sprejeti, te duhovne, časovne in prostorske zagonetke, kajne?, mislim, ne da si samo OGLEDUJEŠ njegove prostore, ampak SI v istih kot nekoč on), in zreš v glasbila tega genija, v živo; se pravi, poleg tega in
gradu, na katerem niti nisem bila prvič in na katere že tako ali tako padam kjerkoli, mi je bilo najbolj všeč pokopališče sv. Petra, Petersfriedhof, pod njim, ob vznožju grajskega griča, in si s tem priznanjem pri nekaterih zaslužila, sicer v hecu dodeljeno, oznako čudakinje. :)

Ah, in ja, skoraj nerodno mi je priznati, ker, prisežem, da niti približno ne padam na nakit, vsaj ne na takega, ki mu je največji okras cena ali pa znamka, in še posebej ne na izletih, kjer je to pač zadnja stvar, ki bi me zanimala, logično, ampak ko nas je pot po prihodu z grajskega griča speljala skozi oranžno-rumeno-zlato trgovinico z izdelki iz jantarja, sem kar nekajkrat zavzdihnila, oči pa se mi niso in niso mogle odlepiti od tega medenega blišča in v glavi so se mi slikale take vzvišene povezave, podobe zgodovine, starodavne jantarjeve poti, čudeži narave in … in tudi kakšna povsem posvetna, kako bi imela kakšen tak obesek ali broško in si s tem v istem dnevu prislužila še drugi naslov - da sem plehka, najlepšavamhvala! :)

Ok, that with The Sound of Music was a joke; in fact I do not care much about these things. I do like to watch the movie, I do, these old classics do so much good to you nowadays, but I am not some fanatic who would fly around visiting all the movie scenes. I am not saying I won’t take a quick glance at it in case I pass by and maybe want to try to remember, if there is something familiar to my eyes.

So, what I really liked most in Salzburg then? Beside the awareness of being in the same rooms where many years ago Mozart was born and in which later he created (in such moments not that I don’t care about all exhibited museum documents, it is just that there are too many to see and read them all without being disturbed, so in such cases I so much prefer to spend my time there for awareness, that is, to actually try to comprehend, to catch the moment, to save the memory of my current location; namely, it is not easy to accept, really accept, this spiritual, time and space puzzle, isn’t it?, I mean, not that you are just LOOKING AT his rooms, you actually ARE in the same where he once was) and then you stare into those same instruments of the music genius, in live; I mean beside that and
the castle, which I even didn’t visit for the first time and which are my soft spot anywhere on general anyway, I most liked St. Peter’s cemetery, Petersfriedhof, at the foothill of it and therefore earned a label of a weirdo, assigned in a joke manner, by some co-travellers. :)

Ah, and yes, it is almost embarrassing to admit, because, I swear, I don’t fall for jewellery at all, at least to the kind where price or brand are its brightest shine and especially not on trips, where this sort of things would be the last thing that would interest me, logically, but when a path at the bottom of the castle-hill led us through orange-yellow-golden shop with amber products I sighed once or twice, my eyes just couldn’t detach of all that honey splendour and my head was full of sublime associations like images of history, ancient amber paths, miracles of nature and … and also one quite earthy wish about having one of those pendants or brooches and therefore in the same day earned my second title, as being shallow, thankyouverymuch! :)

nedelja, 9. februar 2014

Očarljivi brat naše prestolnice
The charming brother of our capital

Ena od stvari, ki je še posebej fina, da živimo, kjer živimo, je ta, da je blizu nas tako veliko zanimivih mest, kamor se lahko odpraviš, kot bi šel na kavo, kakor radi rečemo, na primer Solnograd.

Bo kar držalo, da to mesto spominja na Ljubljano, tako, od daleč, s panoramo gradu in stolnice, se pa ob tem vedno spomnim na eno stvar, namreč;
Pred časom sem v časopisu zasledila, kako so v eni naših najbolj opevanih ljubljanskih gostiln, ki jo skoraj kot prvo in edino izbiro povsod silijo tujcem pod nos, ko le-ti želijo pojesti kaj domačega (tudi o tem bi se dalo razpravljati, pa ne bom), ponujali reklamne razglednice svoje gostilne, seveda s posnetki Ljubljane. Ampak, izkazalo se je, da Ljubljana na dotičnih razglednicah ni bila Ljubljana, temveč Solnograd.

Stvar bi bila smešna, pa ni; tovrstna šlamparija me zelo moti. Kako površen moraš biti, da malo poguglaš in vzameš prvo fotko, ne da bi dejansko preveril (če že sam nisi toliko razgledan; in resnici na ljubo – tako zelo podobni pa ti panorami spet nista in poleg tega se je na gradu videla zastava, ki več kot očitno ni bila naša).

Gre za napakice in gre za napake. Razumem, da se zgodi, da se kdaj tudi napačne fotografije znajdejo v tisku, ampak da potem visijo nekaj časa v gostilni in šele obiskovalec opozori nanje, hm, ne vem, no …

Kakorkoli, lepa je Ljubljana, lep je Solnograd, a - Moje pesmi, poje sanje gor ali dol – še vedno imam rajši Ljubljano! :)

One of the things that is so good living in my best-located tiny country is that so many great and interesting cities in other European countries are so close. You can for example visit Salzburg just to have a coffee, as we say, :) but the other day we stayed there for a whole day anyway (it is needed just about three hours by car in one direction from our capital).

The town supposed to resemble my hometown, Ljubljana, very much, from a distance, with a panoramic view of the castle on a hill and the cathedral.

It really does in a way, but some people go even further. There is a restaurant in the centre of Ljubljana that is for some reason very high in tourist guides. But some time ago they printed picture postcards for advertising their restaurant. There was only one problem, on which one of the guests pointed out one day; namely, instead of showing photo of our capital, our castle and the cathedral, there was that of Salzburg.

It would be funny, but it isn’t. There is too much carelessness and more and more inaccuracy allaround. I wonder, how simpleminded can you be to not notice this for the whole time of the designing process and also later selling or giving them to people, hm?

Anyway, Ljubljana is beautiful, Salzburg is beautiful, but – The Sound of Music or not – I still prefer Ljubljana! :)
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