ponedeljek, 17. februar 2014

Mavrica in zvončki
Rainbow and snowdrops

Včerajšnja mavrica, rišoča se na nebo zaradi lahnega dežja,
ki ga je prijetno predrzen veter v soncu prinašal od kdo ve kod,
in zvončki, ki so vzcveteli okoli ranjenega drevja,
so bili samo še pika na i, ki sem jo potrebovala,
da se dokončno poslovim od teh nekaj smrkastih dni.

Yesterday was beautiful. It was sunny day, but pleasantly cheeky
wind was bringing light rain from who knows where.
Rainbow, which was therefore formed, and the snowdrops, which grew
around wounded trees, was all I needed to truly end my sick-days.

3 komentarji:

  1. I wish you to recover completely very soon - the rainbow is such a magical sign!!
    Spring is here, too, although here and there there's still dirty, unmelted snow. But the snowdrops have shown and I'm longing to buy some tulips!:)

  2. Oh, oh, if I would have only imagine this yesterday: it is snowing again today. Even worse: snowing-raining. Not pretty at all. So the only thing that leaves me is to think about your bouquet of tulips! :)

  3. Kljub vsemu kar je doživela nas narava preseneča.Zvončki,mavrica prelepo.


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