Kako rada imam dneve, ki vsebujejo taka nasprotja – dopoldne fino mestno kofetkanje v središču prestolnice, popoldne pa z robustnimi koraki in nahrbtnikom po hostarsko nekam v naravo, v gozd, na primer v logaškega, kot se je to primerilo zadnjič. Kombinacija, ki mi je pisana na kožo! (Če tako nanese, se zaradi mene dopoldanska in popoldanska dejavnost seveda lahko tudi zamenjata.) :)
How I love days that include such contrasts – having a fancy urban coffee-drinking in the centre of the capital in the morning and in the afternoon a rough-step hike with a rucksack in a country-style to the nature, through the forest, for example near Logatec, as we did the other day. My kind of combination! (The morning and the afternoon activity can be also turned around, it's fine with me.) :)