Tokrat se je vse skupaj pokazalo še v mnogo hujši sliki, z vodno gladino tja do 18 metrov
(pred nekaj tedni, moji posnetki so izpred enega, ko se je stanje že izboljšalo)
in s polomljenimi gozdovi, zaradi tega.
(pred nekaj tedni, moji posnetki so izpred enega, ko se je stanje že izboljšalo)
in s polomljenimi gozdovi, zaradi tega.
It is always quite a strange feeling looking at all this water covering green meadows
I am usually walking through in summertime.
I am usually walking through in summertime.
However, this time the image of this was so much worse, with the waterline up to 18 metres
(few weeks ago, my pictures are only from the previous weekend when it was already getting better)
and poor wounded forests, because of this.
(few weeks ago, my pictures are only from the previous weekend when it was already getting better)
and poor wounded forests, because of this.
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