Prejšnjo soboto je bila Ljubljana kljub svežemu jutru spet zelo spomladansko živahna.
Despite quite chilly weather, Ljubljana was again very spring-inspired and lively the previous Saturday.
The countryside came to the town, as the event is called, and introduced itself with deliciously smelling goodies. We noticed sireki, an old traditional Slovenian snack of which, except from one of my cooking books, I had not heard, nor did I see it anywhere before, but funny, after our wedding, where we decided to make them for the reception, I notice them everywhere. :)
At the same time, Bosnia came to our capital to introduce itself in the square nearby. They offered some traditional Bosnian food, like baklava (which Miro made the day after - if you believe it or not, heh, this was planned even before he saw it in the fair; but it was a nice coincidence), and there were some gorgeous Bosnian kilims exhibited and one in making.
Dobra kombinacija fotografij,na eni zelenjava na drugi narezek na tretji pa vse skupaj zaužijemo.Prav zanimive so take stojnice,vredne ogleda in pokušine.
OdgovoriIzbrišiTako mamljive, zares ...