četrtek, 15. maj 2014

Rdeče, okroglo
Red, round

Pred nekaj tedni je bilo svetovno prvenstvo v snukerju (ja, poslovenila sem besedo, tožite me, prevečkrat se zgodi obratno, pa nikogar ne moti), zato smo, navdušeni nad potezami mojstrov, v tistem obdobju tudi sami malo pogosteje prijeli za palice in se pomerili na očijevem biljardu.
There was a snooker world championship few weeks ago, so we spent quite a lot time watching it and in that time, inspired by those professionals, played many more games on my dad’s billiard table than we usually do. It was such fun.

Jagode me nasmejijo. Ne morem si pomagati, ampak skoraj vedno se spomnim na prijateljico, ki jih je šla enkrat med počitnicami za kak mesec ali dva obirat, po tem pa nekoč sanjala, da se ji približuje, jo preganja in jo, tik preden se zbudi, skorajda spešta ena strašna jagoda velikanka. Te podobe si kar ne morem izbrisati iz glave. :)
Strawberries make me laugh. I cannot help myself, but almost every time I think of my friend, who had been picking them up for a month or two at one farm during summer vacation and then, after returning home, she dreamt of one giant scary strawberry approaching and chasing her until, just before waking up, almost crashing all over her. I just can’t delete the image from my head. :)

Zadnjič enkrat, ko sva si za popotnico naredila sadno-zelenjavni sok, ker besedi smuti se izogibam, kolikor se pač da, heh, in ga natočila v steklenici, prvikrat od te znamke, vidim Mira, kako nekaj zarotniško prčka po pokrovčku in potem zmagoslavno pokaže, kaj je napraskal. Ha, kok fajn!, sem rekla in vsem smutijem tega sveta sva se družno posmehljivo režala v brk. :)
The other day, when we were preparing a smoothie-to-go for later and poured it to the bottles, for the first time in those of this brand, I suddenly saw Miro conspiratorially inventing something around the screw cap and then victoriously shows me what he scratched on. Ha, so cool!, I said :) (we write smoothie as smuti) and then we both mockingly laughed at the name so so dear to us ... not!

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