These pirhi, Easter eggs, are so cool. Not just that you can eat them – all decorated and ready to go – for breakfast for a while after; I figured it out that they are so very convenient stuff for a snack when you go on a trip or in the forest.
The fact is, that here in Slovenia we are so spoiled with so many beautiful places and cities in our neighbourhood, so very much, that when you have to quickly go on un unplanned trip close to Venice (cca 2 hours car drive in one direction), you don’t necessary take the opportunity to go into the city by the way, because the weather is not perfect and you’ve seen it many times before anyway, but you do make a picture of a poppies bouquet stuck behind your wiper on your drive back home instead.
Bonfire, bonfire! – it is so beautiful last few years when we, family and friends, gather and make our own private little fire.
Prva in druga čudoviti:)Ob tretji in kresu zvečer pa moje misli že hitijo na naslednji dan,ko v kuhinji zadiši,na žaru cvrči ,...v krogu najdražjih čeprav leto starejša lepo proslavimo se imamo lepo in smo srečni.
OdgovoriIzbrišiJelka, če prav razumem ... vse najboljše! :)