ponedeljek, 20. september 2010

Pod vodo
Under water

Slike narasle Save pri Tacnu sem posnela včeraj, ko je bila gladina reke že približno pol metra nižja kot prejšnji dan.

Upam, da se bo stanje čimprej umirilo in ljudem prineslo mir.

There was a lot of rain over the past weekend causing one of the biggest floods in our history.

Almost all of Slovenia is under the water, even the capital Ljubljana. More than two-thirds of the country is affected: flooded, destroyed or threatened by landslides or cut off. Unfortunately two people dead, one missing.

I took these pictures of Sava River at Tacen rapids yesterday. By the time the water level was already half a meter lower then it was the day before.

2 komentarja:

  1. I'm so, so sorry. My heart goes out to you and your country.

  2. So nice of you, Donna. At least the rain stopped and it looks like there is going to be sunshine for the next couple of days. But many homes are still flooded.


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