To prelepo pesem, zame eno najmočnejših, sem danes izbrala za vse nas, ženske našega planeta, ki smo v veliki večini primerov še vedno enakopravne samo na papirju in na veliki večini koncev sveta še vedno celo tepene, zaničevane in zatirane, samo zato, ker smo ženske.
Nekoč nekje sem prebrala, da je moški na zahodu žensko slekel, na vzhodu pa jo je zakril pred svetom. Lahko je torej le objekt ali pa sploh ne obstaja. Obakrat pa je tepena. Vse preveč je še stereotipov in premalo dejanj, ki bi dokazovala, da ti obstajajo le še v vicih.
Dokler je ena sama samcata ženska ali deklica kakorkoli zatirana samo zaradi svojega spola, ne morem reči, da smo enakopravne. Ker nismo. Kdo lahko to reče? Kdo lahko to reče, če ve za krute zgodbe in mučenja z vsega sveta, naj si bodo posamezne, skrite za sosedovimi štirimi stenami ali pa tiste, nedoumljive, javno odobravane, ki izvirajo iz sistematičnega kršenja pravic v deželah, daleč od naših oči.
Želim si, da bi v očeh vsake ženske prebrala zavedanje, da je spoštovana in da nam zavoljo enakopravnosti ne bi bilo treba žrtvovati svoje ženskosti. Svet bi bil mnogo lepši.
Čestitke za 8. marec vsem ženskam, ki imate to že v očeh, moškim, ki radi zrete v take oči, in vsem, ženskam in moškim, ki niste zaslepljeni, da so vse ženske oči take.
Kot pravi Neneh Cherry: tolikokrat smo že umrle, da komaj šele pričenjamo živeti…
Prisluhnite ji;
Today I chose this beautiful song, for me one of the most powerful, for all of us, women of our planet, because in vast majority we’re still equal only on paper and in vast majority of this world’s places we’re still beaten, despised and oppressed just because we’re women.
Once, somewhere, I read that a man on the west undressed a woman, and man on the east hid her from the rest of the world. Therefore she can exist only as an object or she doesn’t exist at all. But in both cases she is beaten. There are still too many stereotypes and too few actions proving that they are really existing only in jokes.
As long as there is just one single woman or a girl oppressed only because of her sex, I cannot say that we’re equal. Because we are not. Who can say this? Who can say this, if you know about cruel stories and tortures all around our world, whether they are individual ones hidden behind neighbour’s walls or the ones that are result of publicly accepted systematical violations, beyond my comprehension, in some land far from our eyes.
I wish that I could read in every woman’s eyes an awareness of being respected and that we wouldn’t have to sacrifice our femininity on behalf of being equal. The world would be so much prettier.
Congratulations for March the 8th to all women that already have this in their eyes, to all men that like to look into such eyes and to all, women and men, that are not blinded by the thought that all women’s eyes are like that.
As Neneh Cherry says: we've died so many times we're only just coming to life…
Listen to her:
You gotta be fortunate
You gotta be lucky now
I was just sitting here
Thinking good and bad
But I'm the kinda woman
That was built to last
They tried erasing me
But they couldn't wipe out my past
To save my child
I'd rather go hungry
I got all of Ethiopia
Inside of me
And my blood flows
Through every man
In this godless land
That delivered me
I've cried so many tears even the blind can see
This is a woman's world.
This is my world.
This is a woman's world
For this man's girl.
There ain't a woman in this world,
Not a woman or a little girl,
That can't deliver love
In a man's world.
I've born and I've bread.
I've cleaned and I've fed.
And for my healing wits
I've been called a witch.
I've crackled in the fire
And been called a liar.
I've died so many times
I'm only just coming to life.
My blood flows
Through every man and every child
In this godless land
That delivered me
I cried so many tears even the blind can see
You gotta be lucky now
I was just sitting here
Thinking good and bad
But I'm the kinda woman
That was built to last
They tried erasing me
But they couldn't wipe out my past
To save my child
I'd rather go hungry
I got all of Ethiopia
Inside of me
And my blood flows
Through every man
In this godless land
That delivered me
I've cried so many tears even the blind can see
This is a woman's world.
This is my world.
This is a woman's world
For this man's girl.
There ain't a woman in this world,
Not a woman or a little girl,
That can't deliver love
In a man's world.
I've born and I've bread.
I've cleaned and I've fed.
And for my healing wits
I've been called a witch.
I've crackled in the fire
And been called a liar.
I've died so many times
I'm only just coming to life.
My blood flows
Through every man and every child
In this godless land
That delivered me
I cried so many tears even the blind can see
Lepo si to napisala, pa še kako resnično je.
OdgovoriIzbrišiZelo lepo povedano. Ne vem, zakaj mora preteči stoletje ali še več, da se kam premaknemo. Ne bi smelo biti tako.
OdgovoriIzbrišiTudi tebi čestitke ob osmem marcu.