Lepo je imeti prijatelje. Lahko jih imaš blizu, takoj čez ograjo, kakor Zoja, ali pa daleč, za državnimi mejami, pa te vseeno lahko osrečijo; na primer s kakšnim luštno okrašenim paketom. Za danes razkrijem samo to.
Mimogrede pa še to: Zoja je od včerajšnjega žrebanja tako navdušena nad rožicami, da jih še danes voha! :)
It’s nice to have friends. You can have them close to you like Zoja has, or you can have them somewhere far away and they can also make you happy; for example with the package decorated in the most cute way possible. I reveal only this for now.
And by the way: Zoja is so excited over flowers from yesterday’s task, that she just can’t stop smelling them even today! :)
He he, se je okužila z žrebanjem :))) Ja, res je lepo imeti prijatelje. Sicer še bolje, da so blizu, da lahko greš z njimi na čvek.;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiVladuška, ja, to je pa sploh lepo. Pozdrav! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišihihi...and that package was mine! :))) Very nice the way you take it into that post Maja! If we would live closer...only that. Slovenia is on my plan for some day :))) ENJOY your little bag! :))) ♥ KAThy
OdgovoriIzbrišiYes, Kathy, now I just need to find a model (and time) to pose with your gift! :) It's so exciting!