



Zunaj se peče. Pardon – sneži. Ampak jaz sem pekla! :)
Sladkarij (oho – razen čokolade in par drugih izjem, kot je npr. tale!) od nekdaj ne maram kaj dosti in jih temu primerno tudi (skoraj) nikoli nisem pekla. Ne rečem, da nikoli nič ne poskusim in sploh ne rečem, da so zanič. Rada jih namreč gledam in še bolj vonjam in si kar predstavljam, da če bi mi bile te stvari všeč, kako zelo bi mi bile dobre. Ne bi se tudi branila, če bi recimo znala delati take dobrote, da se jim prav nihče ne bi mogel upreti. :)
Zadnjič sem poskusila en mamin piškot. Tudi ona ne peče pogosto teh stvari, ampak letos se je tudi ona zasekirala in v smehu potarnala, da bo treba tej temni eri narediti konec; morda se napoveduje že s tem, da je bila za neke druge piškote že z dveh strani naprošena za recept!
Da ne zaidem. Ta piškot je bil seveda oblit s čokolado, in sem si rekla, v redu, tale je od vseh piškotov še najbolj po mojem okusu, in ker sem se takrat enkrat ravno javila, da jaz prispevam sladico za včeraj, ko smo se dobili z najinimi prijatelji, in sem skoraj v isti sapi – kakšno nepremišljeno tveganje! - tudi javno naznanila, da stvar zastavim profesionalno, s peko in vsem (imela sem pripravljen tudi plan B za vsak slučaj), sem seštela ena plus ena in pograbila priložnost, ki je bila na dlani, namreč da bodo ti omenjeni piškoti ravno pravšnja stvar – enostavno in hitro za naredit, meni je všeč, pa še pohvale bom pobrala. (Sem jih res!) :)
Mami sem zato prosila za recept. Dobila ga je v Slovenski kuharici Felicite Kalinšek in ga priredila malce po svoje. Takole:
Testo sem zgnetla iz 17 dag moke (približno 15 pirine, ostalo bele), 8 dag sladkorja*, 8 dag zmletih orehov, noževe konice cimeta, nastrgane lupinice 1 limone, 14 dag masla in 1 jajca in ga nato dala za nekaj časa na hladno.
Potem sem iz njega oblikovala podkvice in jih spekla v pečici na 170 °C (15-25min, odvisno od debelosti). Ko so se ohladili, sem jim noge pomočila v stopljeno temno čokolado. To je vsa umetnost! :)
*meni je hecno, de bi pisala »rjav sladkor«, ker drugega tako ali tako ne uporabljam
It’s baking outside. Sorry – snowing. But I was baking! :)
I’m not a big fan of sweets (oho – except of chocolate and a few other exceptions like this one for example!) from as long as I remember and accordingly to this I have never baked any. I’m not saying that I never try any and I’m not saying at all that they are not good. I like to look at them and I like to smell them even more and I can imagine quite well how good they would be, if I liked them. And I wouldn’t mind if, for example, I could make such goodies that no one could resist. :)
The other day I tried one of my mum’s cookies. She doesn’t bake this sort of things very often aswell, but this year she smilingly troubles herself about how she has to end this dark era. Maybe the first positive signs are that she’s been already asked from two persons for a recipe of other cookies that she’s made recently!
Better not stray away. This cookie was dipped in chocolate and I said to myself, ok, this one suits my taste as much as it can and because I’ve volunteered to make the dessert for yesterday’s meeting with my and Miro's friends, I decided (and almost in the same breath - oh, what a reckless risk! - also proudly announced) that I should do this professionally, with baking and all (I had also plan B waiting, just in case), so I concluded that these cookies seem to be just perfect – simple and quick to make, I like them, plus I will turn out so cool! (I did!) :)
I asked my mum to tell me the recipe. She got it in Slovene Cookbook by Felicita Kalinšek, but has changed it on her own way a bit. On this way:
OREHOVE PODKVICE S ČOKOLADO (=walnut horseshoes with chocolate)
I kneaded the dough out of 17 dag of flour (cca. 15 of spelt and the rest of white), 8 dag of sugar*, 8 dag of ground walnuts, knife tip of cinnamon, grated zest of 1 lemon, 14 dag of butter and an egg and put it to rest in a cool place for a while.
Then I shaped little horseshoes and baked them at 170 °C in the oven (15-25 min, depends of the thickness). When they cooled down I dipped their feet into melted dark chocolate. That’s all art! :)
*it seem so funny to me to write “brown sugar”, because I always use just this one
mmm lepo izgledajo podkvice sreče in v letu 2012 ti jo želim čimveč :-))