
Kakor mi je december všeč, tako zelo zelo všeč, pa takrat še toliko bolj bode v oči vsa gniloba, ki jo premoremo, tu, v tej naši ljubi deželici.
Govorim o sovraštvu do vsega tujega. Govorim tudi o zavračanju drugačnih, o nesolidarnosti, nerazumevanju in nesprejemanju tistih, ki niso narejeni po kalupu. (in mimogrede – v svetu, kakršen je danes, se mi zdi največ vredna lastnost ravno ta, da nisi narejen po kalupu)
Ja, če bi nas morala opisati kot celoto, en karakter, bi rekla, da smo kot narod zelo nestrpni. Do tujih kultur, do drugače spolno usmerjenih, do drugače verujočih in še kaj. Žal.
Si mislim, da zaradi nesamozavesti. Namreč, preganjamo vse, kar je tujega, medtem ko sami – prav ironično – s svojim jezikom in kulturno zapuščino ravnamo tako nemarno, da je kar hudo, hkrati pa v zvezde kujemo vse, kar pride iz tujine, svojega pa se sramujemo. Jezika in korenin.
Ne vem, ali sem bolj žalostna ali zaskrbljena…
Hja, ta objava je pač taka. Niso vse samo rožice, pa zvezdice, pa lučke, barve in smeh. Je pa lepo, ker vseeno vem, da so. Lučke, zvezdice in barve… in mnogo ljudi, ki sijejo, segajo po zvezdah in se veselijo barv.
[slika je od takrat]
As much as I like December, so so much, but it's also the time when everything that is rotten in my country comes much more to term.
I’m talking about a hatred of everything that is foreign. I’m also talking about rejection of everybody that is different, about non-solidarity, non-understanding and non-acceptance of those that are not shaped by the mould. (and by the way, in a world like it is nowadays, I think it’s the most valuable feature just this - that you’re not moulded like so many others)
Yes, if I had to describe us, Slovenes, as one character, I would say that we are very intolerant. Towards other cultures, towards different sexual orientations, towards different religions and so on.
I think it’s because of lack of self-confidence, namely, we reject everything that is foreign, meanwhile – so ironically – we’re handling with our own language and cultural heritage so bad, that it hurts and at the same time we think high about everything that comes from abroad, but we are ashamed of ours. Of our language and our roots.
I don’t know, whether I’m more sad or more worried…
Hja, this post is like it is. Life is not made just of little flowers, stars, lights, colours and laughter. But it’s nice to know there are, despite all. Lights, stars and colours… and many people that shine, reach for the stars and are happy about all colours.
[the picture is from that time]
Se popolnoma strinjam z zapisanim. Prav to nasprotje res bije v oči, da smo po eni strani nestrpni, ker nimamo samozavesti in se bojimo, da nas po množica drugih narodov poteptala, pa na drugi strani prevzemamo vse tuje in mladi govorijo in predvsem pišejo tak jezik, ki nima več nobene veze z materinščino. Tudi mene te stvari in nestrpnost zelo žalostijo.