1: Takole žalostna je "okrasitev" na naši lokalni železniški postaji.
2: Medena sveča, ki mi jo je kupila mami za pod najino smrečico, moji AVGUSTvarjanja krogci, ki bodo le-to krasili in lepo presenečenje od Špele, ene od prejemnic MM koledarja, »kosmična mešanica«, kakor ji jaz pravim, ki je čisto po mojem okusu, saj si rada pripravljam take stvari.
3: Včerajšnji večer je bil kvartopirski. S starši in Mirom smo igrali ameriški remi. Na internetu nisem našla nič o njem, ampak mi mu tako pravimo, naj bo prav ali narobe, in je že vse od otroških let, poleg taroka, ena mojih najljubših iger. Obe sta naju s sestro naučila, kadar smo na morju zaradi dežja ždeli notri.
4: Rada imam tisti del dneva, ko še ni popolna tema, tako da se vidi lepo nebo in že migotajo praznične lučke.
5: Za nameček sem prejela še tole fotografijo kot provokacijo, kako je Miro z najino Praktico lovil decembrsko vzdušje, medtem ko sem jo jaz panično iskala.
1: This is how sad the "decoration" is at the local suburb train station.
2: Honey candle that my mum bought for me to give it under our tree, my AVGUSTvarjanja little circles which will decorate it soon and a nice surprise from Špela, one of the recipients of my MM calendar giveaway. She sent me a healthy bio granula that suits my taste completely, as I like to prepare this sort of things.
3: Yesterday’s evening was all about playing cards. My parents, Miro and I were playing American rummy. I haven’t found anything about it on the internet, but we call it this way, whether right or wrong, since my childhood. Besides tarock this is one of my favourite games and my parents had taught to play the games, both me and my sister, on bad weather days while we were on summer vacations.
4: I like the time of the day when there isn’t completely dark yet, so that you can still see beautiful sky and there are already lights twinkling.
5: And for the closure I got this photograph just to teas me, how Miro was catching December atmosphere with our Praktica, while I was searching it like crazy.
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