petek, 20. januar 2012

Pred pol ure
Half an hour ago

Nemogoče je videti lepo nebo,
okrašeno z vedno spreminjajočimi se oblaki,
in ga ne občudovati.

It is impossible to see a beautiful sky
decorated with ever-changing clouds
and not admire it.

4 komentarji:

  1. Beautiful! Deserves admiration!
    So you don't have snow like us, do you?...

  2. Rossichka, we have the strangest winter this year. No snow! :)
    Except of two days when it got a bit white for a few hours.
    Looks like it all got stuck up not far away, on the north side of Alps (Austria). :)

    When you look at tv news, it looks like it's everywhere around (a lot of it), but here. So, enjoy winter! :)

  3. There's a lot of snow in our ski resorts and in the west part of Bulgaria, but still not any where I live... Really a strange winter!:)


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