nedelja, 30. september 2012

Kukanje pod kiklce
Peeking under skirts

Ja, včeraj sem kukala pod kiklce gob, ki jih je v teh dneh res toliko, da mi je pošteno žal, da nisem gobarka, pa tako rada imam gobje jedi. Je pa naša druščina zato občudovala polne košare poznavalcev, ki jih je povsod mrgolelo, in nabrala nekaj kostanja.

Odkar sem bila zadnjič v tem koncu gozda, je pri izviru namesto dosedanjega jogurtovega lončka nastala že prava mala samopostrežna krčma, skodelice, pisane kot jesensko listje, tam namreč rastejo prav tako kot gobe po dežju. [zadnji posnetek]

Ja, I’ve been peeking under the skirts of mushrooms. There were so many of them yesterday that I really regretted I am not a mushroom hunter, like so many people in my country, as I adore mushroom dishes. But our little group did admire full baskets of the experts along the way and picked some chestnuts instead.

Since my last visit of this part of the forest, when there was only a yoghurt cup, there’s a real self service pub grown up by the water spring. We have a saying here in Slovenia that something is growing like mushrooms after rain and this is what has happened with those cups, colourful like autumn leaves. [the last photo]

sobota, 29. september 2012

Vijuganja po Severni Dalmaciji 5
Northern Dalmatia meandering 5

[nadaljevanje te objave]

Saj kar ne morem verjeti, ampak v teh, počitniških dneh sem bila v postelji vsak dan že pred deveto zvečer, televizijo sem opazila šele ob odhodu, na novice še pomislila nisem, jaz, ki sem se že nekje ob začetku srednješolskih let pregovarjala z domačimi, ker sem v nasprotju z njimi želela gledati poročila, predvolilna soočenja ali pa kako politično omizje, čudaško, vem, ja :), in ker sem se v teh minulih nekaj dneh vsakič, kljub ne najudobnejši vzmetnici, pogreznila v spanec brez ene same skrbi, sem se zbujala z neverjetno lahkoto, pričakujoč dogodivščine svežega dne.

In ko pride nov dan, ko se potikava naokoli, bodisi brez besed zagledana v čudesa narave ali stvaritve človeških rok bodisi ko po otroško tuliva, ko se mečeva v valove morja, oboje je tako zdravilno! Telo in um se povrneta v pravilne nastavitve. Takrat postanem spet tista, najboljša jaz.

(posnetki so iz Biograda na Moru, Pakoštan, Senja, Pašmana [Bokolj, samostan Ćokovac], Ugljana [Kukljica], okolice Vranskega jezera in tu in tam ob poti tjagrede in nazajgrede)

[the continuation of this post]

I just cannot believe it, but in those vacation days I was in bed already before nine in the evening, I noticed tv only at when we were going home, it didn’t cross my mind to check the news not even once, and this is very unusual for me who had been arguing with my parents because, opposite to them, I wanted to watch the news, political debates and similar stuff since my middle teenage years, weird, I know :), and due to falling asleep with no worry on my mind, despite not so comfortable mattress, I have been waking up these past few days with an incredible ease, expecting what a fresh day brings.

And when the new day comes, when we wander around, whether looking speechless at wonders of nature or creations of human hands whether screaming like a child when throwing ourselves into waves, both is so curing! Both, body and mind reset to the original. This is the time when I become the best of me again.

(the photos were taken on Croatian coast: Biograd na Moru, Pakoštane, Senj, islands Pašman and Ugljan, in the Vrana Lake area and here and there by the road both ways)

petek, 28. september 2012

Vijuganja po Severni Dalmaciji 4
Northern Dalmatia meandering 4

[nadaljevanje te objave]

Kako rada imam izgubljanja po starih evropskih mestih, tista sredozemska, kot je na primer Šibenik na zgornjih posnetkih, ki mi je najljubši od tokrat videnih, imajo še prav poseben šarm, in – a sem vam že povedala, da so mi potepanja z Mirom nekaj najlepšega, dogodivščine brez primere, raziskovanja še neznanega in občudovanja že videnega.

S tistim tako znanim nemirom v sebi, ko vem, da imava vsak dan sproti zamišljen le okvirno, da se bova vmes prepustila navdihu in naključnim odkritjem, in se na koncu vse poklopi, spontano in mehko, kot da bi se držala vnaprej napisanega natančnega načrta, ki pusti okus po popolnem dnevu.

(prvo sliko je posnel Miro)

se nadaljuje…

[the continuation of this post]

Oh how I love getting myself lost in old European towns, those Mediterranean, like Šibenik in the pictures above is, one of my favourites from this journey, they have particularly special charm; and – have I told you already that travelling with Miro is one of the best things for me, adventures with no comparison, exploring of unknown and admiring of already seen.

With that unrest inside, so familiar to me, when I know that for each day at the time we only have a few ideas in our head and later we let ourselves get inspired by random discoveries on our way and at the end everything come to place, spontaneously and softly, just like we would have been following some great plan made in advance, which leaves a taste of a perfect day behind you.

(the first photo was taken by Miro)

to be continued…

četrtek, 27. september 2012

Vijuganja po Severni Dalmaciji 3
Northern Dalmatia meandering 3

[nadaljevanje te objave]

Zgodilo se je, da naju je nekega večera, ko sva prijetno utrujena od novih morskih vtisov odklenila vrata najine počitniške sobe, tam pričakal, ne boste verjeli!, v krogu frfotajoč netopir in naju za kake četrt ure zaposlil z nakazovanjem mu smeri proti izhodu, z obilo smeha, z mojimi občasnimi kriki med snemanjem videa, kako Miro krili po zraku z rokami in dežnikom, ki sva ga s seboj vzela samo tako, za vsak primer, torej za popolnoma drug primer, nejevero in čudenjem, kako je kljub zaprtim oknom prišel notri, in logičnim podvprašanjem: če ni mogel priti noter danes, a je prejšnjo noč preživel z nama? Hm, malo strašljivo.

In zgodilo se je tudi, da naju je spet nekega drugega večera »domov« pospremil prijazen in igriv pesjan, ki se mu ni dalo dopovedati, da ostanek večerje, zavit v prtiček, ni kost, temveč banana, in ki se je, kljub privoljenju lastnika hiše, naj spi v veži, kasneje, ko sva izginila v sobo v prvo nadstropje, pritihotapil za nama, se ulegel pred najina vrata in prav užaljeno godrnjal.

(Zadar [prvih 5 posnetkov], kjer sva poslušala morje igrati na orgle, in Vransko jezero [zadnjih 5 posnetkov], naravni park in zavarovano območje ptic)

se nadaljuje…

[the continuation of this post]

It happened one evening when we returned to our vacation room filled with new sea impressions, that when we unlocked the door there it was, you wont believe it!, a bat fluttering in a circle and for the next quarter of an hour it made us busy with gesticulating with our hands showing the bat a direction towards the exit, with plenty of laughter, my occasional screams while catching on video Miro zigzagging with his hands and an umbrella, which we took with us just in case, a very different case than this, disbelief and wondering how it got in since the windows were closed, and the logical subquestion: if it didn’t came in today, did it spend the previous night with us? Hm, a bit scary.

And it also happened one other evening that we were accompanied “home” by one friendly and playful dog that didn’t want to understand that the remains of our dinner wrapped in a napkin wasn’t a bone but a banana and that, despite of the house owner’s consent of letting it sleep in a lobby, it later, when we disappeared in the room, sneaked to the first floor, lie down in front of our door and offendedly grumbling.

(Croatia: Zadar [the first 5 photos], a city where we listened the sea playing on organ pipes  and Vrana Lake [the last 5 photos], a nature park and an ornithological reserve)

to be continued…

sreda, 26. september 2012

Vijuganja po Severni Dalmaciji 2
Northern Dalmatia meandering 2

[nadaljevanje te objave]

Na Hrvaškem so mi vedno znova hecne jezikovne zadeve. Priznam, ne razumem prav vsega, še manj pa znam govoriti in potem se, da si ne bi naredila sramote ali še bolj pomembno, da jih ne bi z napačno izbiro besed užalila, lomim, kakor vem in znam, malo po njihovo, malo po naše, ker se mi zdi prijazno in spoštljivo, da se trudiš čimbolj vživeti se v kraj, ki ga obiščeš, in ob tem upravičeno pričakujem, prvič, ker se ukvarjajo s turizmom in ob tem upoštevajoč, da smo tam že tradicionalno večinski gostje in drugič, ker smo, ne nazadnje, sosedje, ki smo do nedavnega kar lep čas živeli v skupni državi, da mi bodo prišli vsaj malo nasproti s slovenščino, vsaj malo, vsaj z osnovnimi besedami, pa vsakič sproti v večini primerov izgleda, kot da prvič slišijo ta jezik, to še bolj velja za razna obvestila, kataloge, menije, spletne strani, kjer, z redkimi, zelo redkimi izjemami, našega jezika ni moč zaslediti, in ponavadi se konča tako, da me začnejo nagovarjati v nemščini, včasih pa angleščini. V redu, ni težav, ampak vse skupaj je malo… trapasto.

Kot je bilo trapasto, ko sva želela ledeno kavo, pa natakarica ni vedela, kaj je to. Midva razmišljava, kako se reče po njihovo, navrževa nekaj neumnosti v obupnem poskusu rešiti nerodno situacijo, tuhtava, kako se reče kava, pa saj, a ni pri njih tudi kava, kaj pa če bit? In potem po nekaj ne tako kratkih mučnih trenutkih ženska reče: mislite lêdena kava? Saj človek ne ve, ali bi se smejal ali jokal.

(Biograd na Moru, nekdanja prestolnica hrvaških kraljev [prvih 5 posnetkov] in Sv. Filip i Jakov, ljubko malo mestece v njegovi bližini [zadnjih 5 posnetkov])

se nadaljuje…

[the continuation of this post]

In Croatia, I find those language-issues so funny over and over again. I admit, I don’t understand their every single word and much less know how to speak and then, because I’m afraid to embarrass myself and more importantly, to not offend them with the wrong choice of words, I stumble trying to do my best, using their language and a bit of ours, because I think it’s simply nice if you show respect towards the people and place you’re visiting.

But is there too much from me to justifiably expect, firstly, because they are tourist workers and at the same time you have to have in mind that Slovenians traditionally represent a major tourist part there, and secondly, because after all we are neighbours that we even lived for some time in the same country till not so far ago, that they will come my way helping me with my language at least a bit, at least with a few basic words, but in most cases it looks like they hear our language for the first time, this implies even more for tourist information, boards, notices, menus, catalogues and web pages, where is no sign of our language, except of very very few exceptions, and it usually ends with them talking to me in German or sometimes in English. Ok, no problem, but everything looks a bit… silly.

Just like it was silly when we tried to order ledéna kava [=ice coffee] and the waitress didn’t know what that means. We are thinking hard how to explain her what we want, trying to find the right Croatian words, in a desperate attempt to solve the unpleasant situation throwing out some nonsenses and then, after not so short embarrassing moments, the woman asks: You mean, lêdena kava? One doesn't know whether to laugh or cry.

(Croatia: Biograd na Moru, a former capital of Croatian kings [the first 5 photos] and Sv. Filip i Jakov, a cute little neighbouring town [the last 5 photos])

to be continued…
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