torek, 25. september 2012

Vijuganja po Severni Dalmaciji 1
Northern Dalmatia meandering 1

Kdo bi si mislil, da bom po tem, ko sem že okusila prvi sezonski sneg, uživala še nekaj dni morskih radosti.

Vreme je bilo čudovito, mešanica sonca, ščepca lahnega večernega dežja in ene nočne nevihte, veliko tistega kulskega vetra, ki te premika in vsa oblačila plapolajo, osvežilnega morja in dišečih borovcev, dnevi pa spontana sestavljanka lahkotnih in pretežno sproti zamišljenih pohajkovanj, ogledov okolice, vključno z bližnjimi otoki in sladkovodnim jezerom, sprehodov po starih mestecih, nabiranje žajblja; pravo knajpanje, zares, dobesedno in preneseno, meni pisano na kožo, prav tako dobesedno in preneseno, saj ni lepšega občutka, kot se nekje ob poti, ko zagledaš lepo plažo, vreči v valove, ujeti nase sol, se nastaviti soncu, da jo ozdravi in zlato obarva, se malo kasneje s še mokrimi lasmi, občutkom neizmerne svobode, sijočih oči in toplo zavit v jopico povzpeti na enega od hribov s cerkvico, žarečo v zahajajočem soncu, ki ponuja razgled vsenaokoli, na kopno in ostale otoke, od koder se kar ne moreš ločiti in zato raje izpustiš en trajekt, tvegajoč, da boš pač jedel malce ohlajeno večerjo.

(fotografije so posnete na hrvaški obali, v Biogradu na Moru, na Pašmanu [Bokolj], na Ugljanu [Kukljica], v Vodicah, v okolici Vranskega jezera in tu in tam ob poti tjagrede in nazajgrede)

se nadaljuje…

Who would have thought that, after tasting the season’s first snow, I will still experience some sea joys.

The weather was wonderful, a mixture of sun, a few drops of evening rain and one overnight storm, a lot of the coolest wind, the kind that moves you and makes your clothes fluttering, refreshing sea and aromatic pine trees and the days were a spontaneous collage of roamings that were planned leisurely and mostly along the way, exploring around, including the nearby islands and a freshwater lake, walking around old towns, sage picking; a real kneipping if you ask me, literally and metaphorically, suiting my skin perfectly, also literally and metaphorically, because there’s no better feeling than when you see a nice beach somewhere along the way and you throw yourself into waves catching salt onto your skin, let the sun heal it and colour it gold, then, a while later, with your hair still wet and feeling free, you go all warmly wrapped in a cardigan and with shiny eyes up to one of the hills where a church is glowing in a sunset, offering a view far around the Adriatic over the other islands and the mainland so that you just can’t say goodbye to all that and you prefer to skip one ferry risking that your dinner gets cold.

(the photos were taken in the Croatian coast: Biograd na Moru, islands Pašman and Ugljan, Vodice, in the Vrana Lake area and here and there by the road both ways)

to be continued…

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