Javorco sem si želela že dolgo obiskati in ko smo zadnjič zagledali tablo ob cesti, smo ogled cerkve na hitro vključili v že tako natrpan popotniški načrt. Nikomur ni bilo žal in tudi pri meni je presegla vse podobe v glavi, ki sem si jih do tedaj ustvarila iz knjig, spleta in pripovedovanj.
Zgradili so jo leta 1916, torej sredi vojne vihre, avstro-ogrski vojaki, ki so bili mojstri različnih obrti.
Njena posebnost je, da je razen kamnitega spodnjega dela in mogočnega stopnišča vsa grajena iz lesa. Notranjost je secesijsko poslikana z mnogo ornamenti, zlatimi, belimi in črnimi, ves prostor je v modri barvi, ki jo dopolnjujejo rjavkasti listi prav posebne spominske knjige.
Ti so pravzaprav plošče zabojev za granate, na katere so vojaki vžgali imena 2564 padlih, ki so bili vseh narodnosti, tudi naše. Ob čudoviti svetlobi zažarijo že skoraj rdeče in vdahnejo celemu prostoru neko milino. Vse skupaj dopolni še krasen razgled na okoliške hribe in povem vam, če ne bi bilo pred nami še nekaj znamenitosti, ki smo si jih želeli ogledati, bi se še težje odtrgala od tam.
Cerkev velja za najlepši spomenik prve svetovne vojne na našem ozemlju, uvrščen med zgodovinske spomenike, ki nosijo znak evropske kulturne dediščine, in je ena od postaj na Poti miru, ki vključuje tudi včeraj omenjena Tolminska korita.
Zvonec tam je menda namenjen samo eni želji. Tisti, očitno najbolj trdovratni. Miru.
I have been wanting to visit Javorca for a long time and when we saw a tourist-sign by the road the other day we didn’t hesitate to include the church to our already busy travelling agenda. Nobody was sorry about the decision and also in my case, it exceeded all images in my head, created by books, internet and by listening to others.
It was built by Austro-Hungarian soldiers skilled in various crafts in 1916, that being in the middle of the war.
Its speciality is that, except of the lower part and the mighty staircase which are both made of stone, it is constructed entirely of wood. The interior is painted in secession style with many ornaments, golden, white and black, all space is in blue and it is completed with brownish leaves of a special memory book.
These are actually grenade cases boards and soldiers used them to scorch names of the 2564 killed comrades, many nationalities, including ours, because we were all part of that state at the time. In a beautiful light they get this almost red glow and give to the whole space a touch of grace. It is all supplemented with a gorgeous view over surrounding hills and I tell you, if we hadn’t had a few other sights in our plan, I would have gone away from there even harder.
The church is known as the most beautiful monument of the First World War in our territory, it is listed among historical monuments carrying the sign of European Cultural Heritage and is one of the stations along The Walk of Peace, which also includes Tolminska korita from yesterday’s post.
The bell over there is intended for one wish only. For the one, most persistent, the hardest one obviously. For peace.
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