torek, 26. februar 2013

Nageljčki in žepki
Carnations and ravioli

Kaj praviš na nageljčke? je vprašal Miro. Jaaaa! sem odgovorila jaz. In je bilo zmenjeno. :)

Namreč, pri izdelavi raznovrstnih domačih testenin, kot tudi tokratnih polnjenih žepkov, ki sva jih namenila za darilo, ostaja, pa če se še tako trudiš, da ne, cel koš obreznin, iz katerih potem Miro scopra takele oblike, ki sva jim končno našla ime.

(Ah ja, seveda sva, po tem, ko sva darilo že oddala, na eni od nalepk opazila slovnično napako. Kako me to jezi!)

Mmmm, v kozarcu nageljni, na prtu sončnice – ali to morda napoveduje pomlad? :)

What do you say about nageljčki [=little carnations]? Miro asked. Jaaaa! was my answer. And so we had a deal. :)

Namely, when preparing home made pasta, just like we did cheese ravioli for a birthday present here in this post, there are, even if you try to avoid it, some dough leftovers from which Miro designs such simple pieces of pasta that finally got a proper name. Additional interesting fact is that a red carnation is our country's national flower.

(The dough is made of half spelt and half wheat flour, home eggs and home olive oil.)

Mmmm, carnations in the jar, sunflowers on the table cloth – does this forecast spring perhaps? :)

ponedeljek, 25. februar 2013

Kidanje združuje
Shovelling connects

Sneg je drugačne vrste nadloga, drugačna od tistih, ki nas morijo dan za dnem, one, zaresne. Je tiste posrečene vrste, ki povzroči, da ljudje kdaj pa kdaj še prilezejo na ulice, kot včasih, vsi naenkrat – kidati sneg.

Sosed celo opazi soseda, mu nameni kakšno besedo, privošči nasmešek ali pa sotrpinu le hudomušno pogodrnja. Več je tiste dobre volje in sproščenosti, ki se je spominjam izpred … že kar nekaj let, ko so bile take zime še pravilo. Vsi za isti cilj. Vsi manj skregani, vsi združeni v boju proti skupni nadlogi, če dobro premislimo, simpatični.

Nekdo odkida stopnice na koncu ulice ali dostop do skupnih smetiščnih zabojnikov, drugi reče: sem ti odkidal avto, ker si ga ti meni včeraj omedel. A ni to lepo!

Kidanje združuje! :)

Our streets turned into soft white labyrinth tunnels these past days. People shovelling everywhere all the time.

It is beautiful! It reminds me of past times when many winters were like that. There is some kind of easiness, untightness in this joined activity and people don’t take care just for themselves alone any more, as they have been doing recent years. There is less quarrelling and more cooperation.

Neighbours know each other again, like it was in the past, because they are shovelling together. You know, I cleaned the snow in front of your car since you swept the snow off of mine yesterday.

Shovelling brings people closer! :)

sreda, 20. februar 2013

H2O je naša!

Tale napis zgoraj sem našla na poti na Jakoba. Ja, voda je od vseh.

Se dovolj zavedamo pomena dogajanja v zvezi s trgovanjem
tako osnovnega vira kot je voda, ki se trenutno kuje v EU?
Voda je vse. Voda ni borzna delnica. Voda je življenje.
Tule je peticija za tiste, ki vam je mar.

I found this message on my way to Jakob hill: H2O je naša [=H2O is ours].
Yes, water belongs to all of us. Are we sufficiently aware
of importance of the latest happening on the EU basis?
Water is everything. Water is not a stock share. Water is life.

Here is the petition for all of you who care.

torek, 19. februar 2013

Ostanki obvozne proge
Remains of the rail bypass

V redu. Vem, seveda vem za Obvozno, ali kot rečemo mi, domačini, Nemško cesto, tule na severnem koncu Ljubljane, ampak da so Nemci med vojno zgradili, no, bolj pravično rečeno, so dali zgraditi, tudi obvozno železniško progo, dolgo več kot 18 km, od ljubljanskih Vižmarij do Laz pri Dolskem, vse iz istega razloga, namreč, da bi obšli osrednji del prestolnice, ki so ga zavzeli Italijani, tega pač nisem.

Proge seveda že davno ni več, saj so jo porušili takoj po koncu okupacije, na nekdanji 10-metrski stolp, s katerega so opazovali promet na njej, pa spominjajo le še temelji, štirje betonski kvadri.

O.k., I know that Germans built Obvozna cesta [=bypass road] during 2WW (we, locals, still call it Nemška cesta [=German road]) in order to avoid long customs procedures
of the other occupying forces, Italians, that took the major part of our capital. But I have not known that there was also a railway bypass built for the same reasons.

The railway was destroyed in the first years after the end of occupation, but there are still four concrete blocks, remainings of the former 10 meters high traffic-watchtower.

petek, 15. februar 2013

Zasneženi kvadratki
Snowy squares

V začetku tedna, tik pred novim celodnevnim sneženjem.

Earlier this week, just before new all-day snowing.

četrtek, 14. februar 2013

Pustne zgodbe
Stories behind masks

Objavljam še nekaj drugih šem, ki so poleg kurentov zadnjič vzbudile mojo pozornost;
I am posting a few other carnival characters that I liked the other day besides kurenti:

Šavrinski cundri so mi všeč zaradi navdihujočega sporočila, kako lahko kljub pomanjkanju nastane nekaj tako krasnega. Ker je bila včasih v istrskih koncih precejšnja revščina, so gospodinje možem na njihova vsakodnevna oblačila našile raznobarvne cunje, ki so jih kasneje lahko odstranile, na glavo pa so si poveznili klobuk, okrašen z rožami iz krep papirja, ali škrtoc, trikotno papirnato vrečko, oblepljeno s pisanimi trakovi.
I liked cundri from Šavrini hills in Istria, because of the inspiring message saying that admirable things can come out of poverty, too. In past times women had sewn colourful cloth-pieces onto their husband’s everyday wardrobe and after carnival season they could take them off again. They wore hats decorated with paper flowers or triangle paper bag with colourful ribbons attached.

Podobno ozadje nastanka imajo tolminske šeme, Ad Tminskega grafa muzika imenovane, katerih posebna značilnost je ta, da igrajo na inštrumente, v večini stare več kot 58 let, domiselno sklepane iz nerjavečih pločevink iz UNRRA paketov po koncu 2. svetovne vojne. Noro, a ni noro!
Njihov orkester na pustnih povorkah spremlja grofa in grofico Coronini, v lasti pa imajo preko 30 unikatnih inštrumentov, med njimi tudi 120 let staro trobento. Letos se predstavljajo v novih kostumih, saj obeležujejo 300-letnico Tolminskega punta.
Characters from Tolmin have similar background story. Their speciality is that they play on instruments, mostly older than 58 years, all very ingeniously made out of food cans from the UNRRA packages sent to them after World War 2. Crazy, just crazy, isn’t it!
The Tolmin carnival orchestra is official accompany to the count Coronini of Tolmin and his wife and have over 30 original instruments, with 120 years old trumpet among them. This year they celebrate the 300th anniversary of the Tolmin peasant uprise.

Haloški orači so me pritegnili zaradi njihovih krasnih pokrival kujičev, konjičev, in zgodbe o tem, kako v spremstvu korantov, tistih rogatih, in še nekaj drugih pustnih likov hodijo od hiše do hiše in simbolično zaorjejo z okrašenim plugom in zasejejo seme za dobro letino.
Orači are traditional characters from Haloze region. Few of them represent horses with a decorated plough behind them. I like their hats very much. In this group there are many characters involved, also one or more kurenti. They walk from house to house and symbolically plough around to sew a new seed for a good harvest.

V ilirskobistriški skupini iz Vrbovega se šjme delijo na lepe in grde in to nasprotje najbolje predstavljata ta zeleni oziroma zeleni Jurij, simbol pomladi in dobrega, oblečen v bršljan, ki je na čelu skupine, …
In the group from Ilirska Bistrica, the characters are divided to nice and ugly ones, good and bad, and the most eloquent examples of this ancient contrast are one of our most known mythological persons zeleni Jurij [=green George], who is dressed in ivy, representing spring …

… ter raupšic, divji lovec, katerega izročilo se je, tako berem, spojilo z mitološkim nasprotjem zelenega Jurija, Jarnikom. Jaz sem mu rekla kar Bedanec. :)
… and his other, the dark half is the wild hunter, called raupšic.

Nekatere pustne skupine so navdih iskale izven meja in med njimi mi je bila najbolj všeč tale oktobrfestovska druščina, ne vem, morda zato, ker mi kljub že nekaj obiskom Münchna in vsakoletnim načrtom le-tega še ni uspelo obiskati v času znamenite prireditve.
Some groups have found their inspiration across the borders and the one I liked most was this the Oktoberfest one. I don’t know, maybe because of quite a few visits to Munich I have still never been to this German event.

Bilo je seveda tudi nekaj aktualno-političnih. In, ker kaj dosti besed na to temo pravzaprav nimam (več), je najbolj zgovoren kup dreka, ki ga je, to mi pač morate verjeti na besedo, nasrala umetelno izdelana lepooka krava iz Voklega, ki baje sliši na ime Gorenka.
There were, of course, also some groups making jokes out of the current political situation in our country and the one that says it best without words, since I have run out of them, was a skilfully made cow with beautiful eyes who, you will just have to believe me on this one, produced enormous amounts of shit.

Tako, bilo je veliko in še več skupin, tako etnoloških kot tudi novodobnih, meni slednje na splošno sicer manj zanimive, s pogostokrat preveč rompompoma in premalo vsebine, ampak ne moreš si pomagati, da ne bi cenil trud prav vsake od njih.
Aja, pa en škljoc za konec. :)
So, many groups, ethnological and modern, and even more of them strolled down the street. Generally speaking, the last ones are not my cup of tea, because many times there is too much commotion and too little content, but you have to cherish the effort of each of them.
Oh, yes, and smile for the camera! :)

sreda, 13. februar 2013

Modra kri za belimi ograjami
White fenced blue blood

Ha, lipicanci me, poleg tega, da me popolnoma očarajo, vedno spravijo tudi v smeh; namreč, ne morem si pomagati, ampak ob njih se skoraj ne zgodi, da se ne bi spomnila na tisto pametovanje med glavnima igralcema v nekem ameriškem filmu o tem, od kod le-ti izvirajo. Prvi pravi, da iz Španije, drugi da iz Portugalske. :)

Kakorkoli, toliko modre krvi kot na izletu, katerega glavna točka je bila obisk Lipice, zlepa ne vidiš na kupu! :)

Ha, beside the fact that Lipicanci [=Lipizzaner horses] fascinate me completely, they also make me laugh; namely, I can not help myself, but every time I see them I remember of one American movie where the two main characters, famous actors, are being smart about where the horses originates, the first one claims Spain and the second Portugal. :)

It is funny because they are both wrong. The cradle of these gorgeous animals is in my country, in Lipica stud farm, just an hour drive from the capital, in the magic Karst region we visited the other day. As one of the national symbols, this horse is featured also on our 20 cents euro coin.

I think this was my first winter visit to Lipica, therefore it was not just the horses and fences that were white this time. It was cold and windy, but I could watch them forever, white grown ups so elegant and black young ones funny playful. And you can’t see so much blue blood gathered together every day! :)

torek, 12. februar 2013

Ti strašni strici
Those fearsome guys

Takole vam rečem: fotoaparat je ena prav fina zadeva, to sem že davno pogruntala; ne samo, da mi pomaga zabeležiti nepozabne trenutke, zelo je pripraven tudi, da te pustijo pri miru. Sploh pri takih strašnih stricih, kot so kurenti, to pride še kako prav. :)

Če si oborožen z njim, se ti sicer dostikrat zelo nevarno približajo, celo tako zelo, da se ustrašiš, zajameš sapo, narediš beden posnetek in hitro odskočiš nazaj, toda vse je bolj ali manj del njihovega poziranja, v nasprotnem primeru, brez njega pa, kdo ve, en dva tri končaš tako, kot sta uboga ovčka in rdečelaska. In to ni kar tako - sem videla, da kurenti po novem pri dekletih zbirajo ne samo robčke, ampak tudi nedrčke! :)

Kljub vsemu so te maske tiste, ki me, sploh v množici raznoraznih novodobnih, pa četudi marsikdaj izvirnih in zabavnih, najbolj privlačijo.

Tokratni posnetki so s pustnega sprevoda na Viru pri Domžalah.

I tell you this: photo camera is one such fine thing, I have discovered this long time ago; not just that it helps you document precious moments, it is also very convenient for others to leave you alone. It is especially useful when meeting such terrible and loud guys like kurenti are.

Kurent originates from pagan times and is the main figure of our rich carnival season heritage. By crazy jumping it rings its belt-bells to dance the winter and evil spirits away. There are two different types, the feathered and the horned one. Kurentovanje in Ptuj town, the traditional carnival costumes parade, is one of the biggest in central Europe.

Anyway, if you are armed with a photo camera, you are safe. The kurenti will pose for you, ok, they can come very close to you, like a hurricane, so that you get scared, hold your breath, take lousy pictures and quickly jump back in the crowd, but without it, you never know, you might end like these two poor ladies above, the sheep and the redhead. :)

And it is not a small deal - I saw what kurenti do these days; they don’t take just handkerchiefs from girls, like the tradition says [picture 4], I even noticed a bra or two in their collection! [see pictures 1 and 3] :)

Nevertheless, this one is my favourite of all our carnival characters, it attracts me most, especially in the mass of modern ones, even though many of them quite original and funny.

Pictures are from Vir carnival in a little town near Ljubljana and here you can see a film about kurenti.
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