Tile utrinki so bili zabeleženi na letošnjem pohodu po Poti spominov in tovarištva.
Vroč dan, rekordna udeležba, zadovoljni obrazi.
Meni ena najljubših prireditev, ki združuje zgodovino, kulturo, naravo in šport.
These moments were captured at this year’s march along the Path of Remembrance and Comradeship.
(The Slovenian word for this kind of "march" sounds much more friendly, more like a group walk or a trip)
A hot day, a record number of participants, happy faces.
For me one of the favourite events, combining history, culture, nature and sport.
[more info about the event in English]
Vroč dan, rekordna udeležba, zadovoljni obrazi.
Meni ena najljubših prireditev, ki združuje zgodovino, kulturo, naravo in šport.
These moments were captured at this year’s march along the Path of Remembrance and Comradeship.
(The Slovenian word for this kind of "march" sounds much more friendly, more like a group walk or a trip)
A hot day, a record number of participants, happy faces.
For me one of the favourite events, combining history, culture, nature and sport.
[more info about the event in English]
Tega kosa si pa fantastično ujela.
OdgovoriIzbrišiJa, je kar poziral, ampak ni in ni mi hotel pokazati profila. Kaj dosti si pa vseeno nisem upala skakat okoli, že tako in tako so se trume valile mimo in sem samo čakala, da bo odfrčal. In je res - po treh posnetkih. :)