Delčki poti na najinih sprehodih po gozdovih sčasoma dobivajo svoja imena.
Takole si sledijo na najini največkrat prehojeni poti: Skozi drevored, Pri očesu, Pri kakcu (ne sprašujte!), Preža, Ob globeli, Gozdiček, Pri podrtiji, Ob ograji, Na razpotju, Avenija, Borovničeve potke, Pri kukavici, Krčma.
[vse to so seveda samo predeli gozda, nobenih hiš, ograj itd]
Miro’s and my habit is that we spontaneously give names to pieces of paths on our walks through forests.
Here is how they follow on our most often taken route: Through the tree-lined avenue, At the eye, At the poop (don’t ask!), A lookout, By the canyon, Little grove, At the wreck, By the fence, At the crossroads, The boulevard, Blueberry paths, At the cuckoo, The Pub.
[these are all just forest elements, no actual houses, fences or so]
Krasne fotke.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala, Vladuška! :)