ponedeljek, 6. maj 2013

Kličem sonce!
Calling sunshine!

A ker ga ni, lepim tule še dve pomladno nasmejani jedi, ki smo ju nedavno naredili iz tistih lastnoročno nabranih divjih špargljev, eno jajčno jed in eno juho. Z ono prvo torej tri vse skupaj - ni slabo, hm!

Da bodo tudi posnetki trije, dodajam enega logaškega s tega konca tedna. Ah!

[Tik preden sem končala s sestavljanjem objave, se je pokazalo sonce, prisežem! :)]

But because there is none, I am posting here two more dishes with a spring smile that we managed to do few weeks ago from those wild asparaguses we have self picked; one egg dish and one soup. So, with that first one altogether three – not bad, hm!

To continue with the number I am adding a picture from Logatec this weekend just to make it three.

[While I was finishing this post the sun appeared, I swear! :)]

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