We, Miro the chef and I obedient little helper, prepared home made pasta, this time ravioli filled with smoked salmon and from the rest of the dough we made noodles for soup.
Then, in the only piece of the day that not only it wasn’t sunny but was also on the edge of raining, we went on a walk. We passed a lot of elder trees so we got an idea what to have for dessert. (Fried elderflowers, flowers dipped in pancake dough and then fried, is a common and very popular dish in my country at this time of year. It reminds me of childhood so much.) But because we were completely unequipped pickers we used one of Zoja’s poop-bags roll instead, to bring some flowers home. One has to be creative in a situation like that, heh.
After we had told this story to people gathered to eat the dessert and mischievously added that it was an used bag, heh, they didn't get confused and just replied that this is probably the reason the dessert was so good. Is this even appropriate to share with you on the blog? Well, what harm can a little black cooking-humour do? :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiizjemno fajn objave, slike pa sploh.
Zanima me, kje je posneta ona fotografija, na kateri sta kolesarja?
Hvala in lp
Hvala, Nuša, in pozdravljena! :)
IzbrišiFotka je bila posneta v Ljubljani. Izgleda kot Pot spominov in tovarištva :), vendar ni nič takega, nič tako turistično zanimivega, le par sto metrov urejene poti ob nekem stanovanjskem naselju.
Hecno, tudi sama sem včeraj pripravila testo za rezance vendar še čaka. Bezgovo cvrtje pa že dolgo nisem jedla. Predolgo.
OdgovoriIzbrišiVedno narediš krasne slike. Všeč mi je tista z makom.
Saša, živjo! :)
IzbrišiKot otrok nisem kaj prida marala bezgovega cvrtja, ga je mami kar velikokrat pripravila. No, zdaj mi je res dobro.
Nekaj časa nazaj je pa naredila neko verzijo z dodatki (čaka na objavo).
Mene navdušuje predvsem to, da kar greš in mimogrede nabereš neke rožice z grma tam ob poti, ki tako lepo dišijo, in jih potem poješ. Kako nazaj k naravi je to, a! :)