Tole sodobno kolo avta je po navdihu dediščine svojih aboriginskih prednikov čudovito poslikal avstralski umetnik, jaz pa sem si končno ogledala pradavno, 5200 let staro kolo, menda najstarejše leseno kolo na svetu, ki so ga našli prav pri nas, na Barju, na Vrhniki.
Ko sem ga gledala, sem zadrževala dih in premišljevala, da se je vrtel in pomagal takratnim ljudem pri svojih opravilih prav na območju med mojim in Mirovim rojstnim mestom. Kako noro je to! :)
This modern wheel belongs to the car that was beautifully painted by Australian artist with the technique of his aboriginal ancestors and finally I did see another wheel, the famous 5200 years old ancient wheel, supposedly the oldest wooden wheel in the world. It was found in Slovenia, at Ljubljana Moor.
I was holding my breath looking at it and thinking about how it was wheeling around helping people of that time in the area just between Miro’s and my birth towns. How cool is this! :)
Zanimivo ja, kje in kako se kolesa vrtijo.
OdgovoriIzbrišiMeni je težko doumljivo, koliko je ta stvar stara! :)