Ostanki listov vrtnic, ki so jih, skupaj z oljčnimi vejicami, oskubili,
in se potem izživljali nad nama, ko so naju praktično zasuli do vratu.
Leftovers of rose petals that were, together with olive tree leaves,
thrown at us and just hardly left us survive the shower.
Slavo vojvodine Kranjske sva dobila od dedka in kljub temu, da jo že imava,
sva se je neizmerno razveselila, zaradi hecnega naključja, da je v njej odlomek,
ki govori o najini deteljici, in brez razmisleka raje obdržala njegovo, zaradi posvetila, seveda!
We got one of the most important books from our literature history from my grandpa
and even though we already have one, we were happy, because of the funny coincidence
that there is an excerpt inside this book talking about our clover and without considering
we kept his, of course, because the inscription lines he wrote.
S sestro in najino najboljšo prijateljico smo imele lep, sproščen in zabaven predvečer.
My sister and our best friend, we had a nice, relaxed and fun evening before the big day.
Za prigrizke sva si med drugim zamislila (in naredila) sireke,
jed, značilno za severovzhodne dele naše dežele, ki je enostavna,
narejena iz skute, kumine, soli ter mlete paprike in nato posušena na soncu.
Dobra izbira, ampak raje ne povem, kako so jih svatje poimenovali! :/
For finger-food we made sireki, a traditional snack dish from the north-east part of Slovenia,
made only by mixing cottage cheese with cumine, salt and ground red paprika,
shaped into cones and sun-dried.
Good choice, but I better not tell how the guests named them! :/
Tudi Zoja je imela svojo pentljico! :)
Also Zoja had her own ribbon! :)
Moja ideja, očijeva izdelava, Mirovo pirografiranje – spominske broške za svate,
seveda, v obliki triperesne deteljice, ki so bile kasneje pritrjene še na bel čipkast trak.
My idea, my dad’s handmade products and Miro’s pyrography – memorial brooches for our guests,
of course, in the shape of a three-leaf clover, which were then attached to a white lace ribbon.
Darilo Mirovih staršev – za mojo dušico!
A gift from Miro's parents – Slovenian impressionists – my taste completely!
Kdo drug bi naredil torto kot mami!
Odlična, presna, čokoladna, datljeva, mandljeva in kaj-jaz-vem-kakšna-še-vse,
obarvana z zelenim čajem in rdečo peso in v obliki – kakopa! – deteljice. :)
Who else would make the cake but my mum!
Delicious, raw, chocolate, dates, almonds and what-do-I-know-what-else,
coloured by green tea and beetroot and in the shape of – whatelse! – clover! :)
S podstavkoma za prstana iz lesa, ki si ju je, spet v obliki deteljice, zamislil in naredil sam,
naju je presenetil moj oči. Prt in prtiček sta iz mamine podedovane skrinje.
My dad surprised us with the base-arrangement for our rings that he designed and made from wood,
of course, in the shape of a clover. The tablecloth and the napkin are from my mum’s inherited chest.
Nekaj dni kasneje je nagelj še vedno žarel.
Few days after and the carnation was still glowing.
Za zaključek sva svate zapeljala v gostilno na ekološkem posestvu Trnulja na Barju,
ki je res pravo odkritje. Priporočam, zelo priporočam.
Hvala še enkrat za vso prijaznost, gostoljubnost in simpatičnost, ga. Urša in g. Miha!
[mimogrede, zadnjo nedeljo v tem mesecu imajo dan odprtih vrat]
For the end we led our guests to gostilna at organic country estate Trnulja in Barje
that was a real discovery. Recommend, I recommend it very much, if you ever visit our country.
Thank you once again, Mrs Urša and Mr Miha, for your hospitality, kindness and congeniality!
[nekaj posnetkov vmes je očijevih, kako če biti drugače, heh!
some of these pictures are taken by my dad, obviously! :)]