ponedeljek, 30. september 2013

Para nascer, Portugal; para morrer, o mundo (1)

Tokrat ne bom nič napisala, preprosto uživajte v prelepi Portugalski.

I won't write a word this time, just enjoy beautiful Portugal.

nedelja, 29. september 2013

Ta morski zrak!
That sea-air!

Ko sva s prijateljico prejšnji teden na Obali stopili iz avta,
sva se kar naenkrat spet znašli v poletju. Ni ga čez ta morski zrak!
[prva dva posnetka sta iz Izole, druga pa iz Seče]

When my friend and I stepped out of a car last week down at our Coast,
after quite some days of colder autumn days, it was like entering summer again.
There is nothing better than the sea air!
[first two pictures are from Izola, the second two from Seča]

sobota, 28. september 2013


Najnovejše čokoladno odkritje: Božnarjeva temna čokolada s cvetnim prahom. Mmmm.
The newest chocolate discovery: Božnar’s dark chocolate with bee pollen. Mmmm. [beekeeping tradition info]

Táko krasno jesensko tihožitje je naš oči dobil od prijateljev. Mmmm.
This gorgeous autumn still life my dad got from his friends. Mmmm.

V redu, bučno juho imam že tako ali tako rada, kdo je nima!, zadnjič pa me je sestra povabila na neko svojo trenutno navdahnjeno različico, zaradi katere sem jo potem večkrat gnjavila ob najneprimernejših trenutkih, am, kako si že rekla, da si jo naredila?

Takole gre: na kose narezano hokaido bučo skuhamo v vodi, 5-10 minut, jo skupaj s približno 2 dcl vode, v kateri se je kuhala, zmešamo, v mešalnik dodamo pasirano skuto, muškatni orešček, sol, bučno olje in česen. Na koncu je popekla sir za žar in ga postregla kar na gosti juhi. Mmmm.

Ok, there is no doubt I like pumpkin soup, who doesn't, by the way!, but the other day my sister invited me for one of her inspirational versions, which later caused bothering her several times at most inappropriate occasions, em, once more, tell me, how did you say you’ve made it?

This is how it goes:
boil pieces of one hokkaido pumpkin for 5-10 minutes, then mix them in blender together with saved about 2 dcl of boiling water, quark cheese, nutmeg, salt, garlic and pumpkin-seed oil (it is usually used at the end, when soup is already in plates, to be seen). then she made a very good new combination by grilling cheese and just put it onto a thick soup. Mmmm.

petek, 27. september 2013

Osončite nedeljo
En-sun the Sunday

Želim vam lep konec tedna. Ne bo sicer sončen, kot je bil prejšnji, na gornjih posnetkih, lahko pa ga osončite z obiskom ekološkega posestva Trnulja v Črni vasi na Barju, kjer bo v nedeljo med 10. in 18. uro potekal dan odprtih vrat.

Verjetno sem že velikokrat povedala, kako zelo občudujem ljudi, ki sledijo svojemu srcu. Pri Trnulji ima vsak kos svojo zgodbo, prostor, kjer se vse skupaj zlije z okolico in zgodovino, ampak je vseeno toooliko več kot to. Barjanska pravljica, ni kaj drugega reči.

I wish you all a nice weekend. It will not be sunny like the previous one, in the pictures above, but you can en-sun it by visiting the open doors at organic country estate Trnulja near Ljubljana on Sunday.

I have probably said it many times how much I admire people who follow their hearts. At Trnulja every piece has its own story, where everything fuse together with surroundings and its history, but it is still sooo much more than this.

četrtek, 26. september 2013


Številka tokratne objave mi je tako zelo všeč, da sem zanjo prihranila prav poseben posnetek – tri spominke s Portugalske; kamen z ene od zlatih algarvskih plaž, skorjo z enega številnih obcestnih plutovcev in seveda sladki rdeči portovec.

Posnetki te krasne dežele že čakajo na objave. Kmalu. :)

I like the number of today’s post so much I reserved a special photo for it – three souvenirs from Portugal; a pebble from one of Algarve’s golden beaches, a piece of bark from one of many cork oak trees by the road and of course the sweet red port wine.

Photos of this gorgeous land are already waiting to be posted. Soon. :)

sreda, 25. september 2013

Dobrodošla, jesen!
Welcome, autumn!

Tokrat na Krasu.

This time in the Karst.

ponedeljek, 23. september 2013

September je
It's September

Mami je za svojega nečaka naredila tole presno tortico.
Priznam, želela sem si, da bi jaz imela rojstni dan, pa čeprav bi to pomenilo eno leto več. :)
My mum made this raw cake for her nephew.
I admit, I wanted it was my birthday, even though it would mean one year more. :)

Polona izdeluje take posrečene šalčke in končno sem eno kupila. Ne (še) zase,
ampak za taistega bratranca, ki je potem velikodušno razdelil zgornjo torto med goste. :)
Kljub nedvomni privlačnosti Mistra Darcyja [ki je tudi eden od nastopajočih na njenih šalčkah],
navijam za še več slovenskih pojav. Ne manjka nam jih, posebnih primerkov, heh.
[na tem posnetku je France, na primer, ki v teh kumrnih časih spodbuja k prešerni volji.]
Polona makes such cute cups with witty characters and I finally bought one. Not (yet) for me, but for the same cousin who then generously shared the cake from above with his guests..
Even though her Mr Darcy [one of the featured characters on her cups] is undoubtedly very attractive,
I would want even more Slovenian appearances, of course, our country is full of special cases, heh.
[this one here features our most famous poet France Prešeren]

September je ... September. Pa še tako diši, skoraj bolj kot spomladi!
September is ... September. [by Slovenian group Melodrom.] And it smells so good, even more than spring!

petek, 20. september 2013

Srčni utrinki
Impressions of the heart

Ostanki listov vrtnic, ki so jih, skupaj z oljčnimi vejicami, oskubili,
in se potem izživljali nad nama, ko so naju praktično zasuli do vratu.
Leftovers of rose petals that were, together with olive tree leaves,

thrown at us and just hardly left us survive the shower.

Slavo vojvodine Kranjske sva dobila od dedka in kljub temu, da jo že imava,
sva se je neizmerno razveselila, zaradi hecnega naključja, da je v njej odlomek,
ki govori o najini deteljici, in brez razmisleka raje obdržala njegovo, zaradi posvetila, seveda!
We got one of the most important books from our literature history from my grandpa

and even though we already have one, we were happy, because of the funny coincidence
that there is an excerpt inside this book talking about our clover and without considering
we kept his, of course, because the inscription lines he wrote.

S sestro in najino najboljšo prijateljico smo imele lep, sproščen in zabaven predvečer.
My sister and our best friend, we had a nice, relaxed and fun evening before the big day.

Za prigrizke sva si med drugim zamislila (in naredila) sireke,
jed, značilno za severovzhodne dele naše dežele, ki je enostavna,
narejena iz skute, kumine, soli ter mlete paprike in nato posušena na soncu.
Dobra izbira, ampak raje ne povem, kako so jih svatje poimenovali! :/
For finger-food we made sireki, a traditional snack dish from the north-east part of Slovenia,

made only by mixing cottage cheese with cumine, salt and ground red paprika,
shaped into cones and sun-dried.
Good choice, but I better not tell how the guests named them! :/

Tudi Zoja je imela svojo pentljico! :)
Also Zoja had her own ribbon! :)

Moja ideja, očijeva izdelava, Mirovo pirografiranje – spominske broške za svate,
seveda, v obliki triperesne deteljice, ki so bile kasneje pritrjene še na bel čipkast trak.
My idea, my dad’s handmade products and Miro’s pyrography – memorial brooches for our guests,

of course, in the shape of a three-leaf clover, which were then attached to a white lace ribbon.

Darilo Mirovih staršev – za mojo dušico!
A gift from Miro's parents – Slovenian impressionists – my taste completely!

Kdo drug bi naredil torto kot mami!
Odlična, presna, čokoladna, datljeva, mandljeva in kaj-jaz-vem-kakšna-še-vse,
obarvana z zelenim čajem in rdečo peso in v obliki – kakopa! – deteljice. :)
Who else would make the cake but my mum!

Delicious, raw, chocolate, dates, almonds and what-do-I-know-what-else,
coloured by green tea and beetroot and in the shape of – whatelse! – clover! :)

S podstavkoma za prstana iz lesa, ki si ju je, spet v obliki deteljice, zamislil in naredil sam,
naju je presenetil moj oči. Prt in prtiček sta iz mamine podedovane skrinje.
My dad surprised us with the base-arrangement for our rings that he designed and made from wood,
of course, in the shape of a clover. The tablecloth and the napkin are from my mum’s inherited chest.

Nekaj dni kasneje je nagelj še vedno žarel.
Few days after and the carnation was still glowing.

Za zaključek sva svate zapeljala v gostilno na ekološkem posestvu Trnulja na Barju,
ki je res pravo odkritje. Priporočam, zelo priporočam.
Hvala še enkrat za vso prijaznost, gostoljubnost in simpatičnost, ga. Urša in g. Miha!
[mimogrede, zadnjo nedeljo v tem mesecu imajo dan odprtih vrat]
For the end we led our guests to gostilna at organic country estate Trnulja in Barje

that was a real discovery. Recommend, I recommend it very much, if you ever visit our country.
Thank you once again, Mrs Urša and Mr Miha, for your hospitality, kindness and congeniality!

[nekaj posnetkov vmes je očijevih, kako če biti drugače, heh!
some of these pictures are taken by my dad, obviously! :)]

četrtek, 19. september 2013

Zarota namesto zaroke
Conspiracy instead of an engagement

Takole sva rekla: če se že poročava po stotih letih koruzništva, potem midva ne bi bila midva, če ne bi nekaj ušpičila. Mislim, da česa manj od naju niti ne bi pričakovali.

Vse skupaj se je rodilo šele na začetku poletja, spontano, na en lep dan v gozdu, že takoj postalo zarotniško, stvar sva potem z veliko iskric v očeh ognjevito kovala v strogi tajnosti in jo kljub zelo omejenemu času in zahvaljujoč dejstvu, da sva si vse skupaj zamislila preprosto, sledeč srcu, uspešno pripeljala do točke, ko sva najdražjim končno vrgla bombo oddala vabila (saj veste tisto: udari takrat, ko nihče več ne pričakuje) in jo že takoj naslednji dan, še preden so poštarji odšli na svoj pohod, popihala na Češko, po mnenju vseh »zgolj« na izlet, v resnici pa po prstana, tadva lepotca, (tam so nama dali tudi peški za srečo) in pustila vihar za sabo v upanju, da se do najinega povratka malce poleže. :)

Here in Slovenia there is a funny word for someone who is in a relationship, but not married, koruznik. It derives from koruza [=corn], like: couple living in a corn or something like that.

This is what we’ve said: if we are getting married after like hundred years of corn-hood :), than this was not us, unless we had figured out something funny and naughty. I believe nothing less would have been expected from us.

It was all born only in the beginning of this summer, spontaneously, on one beautiful day in the forest and right away it became a conspiracy with lots of sparkles in the eyes. Everything was planned fiery, in top secret and, in spite of a very short time period and thanks to the fact that our wish was to keep everything simple, according to our hearts, was successfully led to the point when we finally dropped the bomb sent invitations (you know that one: strike in the moment when nobody expects anymore) to our beloved ones and the very next day, before postmen started marching around, escaped to the Czech Republic, “just” on a trip, like people assumed, but the truth was we went there to get our rings, this two beauties, (this is where we were given the two lucky pits) and left a huge tornado behind us, hoping to lay down a little before we return. :)

sreda, 18. september 2013

Dobro jutro, dober dan!
Good morning, good day!

Na poročni dan se nama je zahotelo imeti zajtrk v gozdu.
Bilo je sončno, sveže, spogledujoče jutro in vedela sva, da vstopava v čaroben dan.

On our wedding day we felt like having breakfast in forest.

It was sunny, fresh, flirting morning and we knew we are entering a gorgeous day.

ponedeljek, 16. september 2013

Luštno zapečena
Charmingly burned

Sem mislila, da – ker je poletje praktično že pri koncu, vsaj njegov najhujši del – da imam že dovolj rjave podlage za prstan, pa ni tako. Pod zlatim septembrskim soncem sta se nama obema prav luštno zapekla na prsta. :)

I had thought that – because the summer is practically over, at least its extreme part – that I got already enough brown base for the ring, but I was wrong. Under the golden sun of September they both quite charmingly burned on our fingers. :)

sreda, 4. september 2013

G. in ga.
Mr and Mrs

Ja, kar naenkrat. :)
[očijev posnetek, kakopa!]

Yes, all of a sudden. :)
[photo taken by my dad, whatelse!]

torek, 3. september 2013

Živijo, september!
Hello, September!

Septembrska Ljubljana je krasna in vse je v pričakovanju Evropskega košarkarskega prvenstva.

Ljubljana in September is gorgeous and everything is set for EuroBasket 2013.
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