Takole sva rekla: če se že poročava po stotih letih koruzništva, potem midva ne bi bila midva, če ne bi nekaj ušpičila. Mislim, da česa manj od naju niti ne bi pričakovali.
Vse skupaj se je rodilo šele na začetku poletja, spontano, na en lep dan v gozdu, že takoj postalo zarotniško, stvar sva potem z veliko iskric v očeh ognjevito kovala v strogi tajnosti in jo kljub zelo omejenemu času in zahvaljujoč dejstvu, da sva si vse skupaj zamislila preprosto, sledeč srcu, uspešno pripeljala do točke, ko sva najdražjim končno
Here in Slovenia there is a funny word for someone who is in a relationship, but not married, koruznik. It derives from koruza [=corn], like: couple living in a corn or something like that.
This is what we’ve said: if we are getting married after like hundred years of corn-hood :), than this was not us, unless we had figured out something funny and naughty. I believe nothing less would have been expected from us.
It was all born only in the beginning of this summer, spontaneously, on one beautiful day in the forest and right away it became a conspiracy with lots of sparkles in the eyes. Everything was planned fiery, in top secret and, in spite of a very short time period and thanks to the fact that our wish was to keep everything simple, according to our hearts, was successfully led to the point when we finally
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