četrtek, 26. december 2013

Hvala, skrivnosti gospod!
Thank you, mystery man!

Eh, včasih se ti, kar tako mimogrede, zgodi kakšna mala lepa stvar, ki ti zelo polepša dan, še posebej v teh zadrgnjenih in tečnih časih, ko vsakega, ki te samo pogleda, tlačiš v predal sumljivih težakov, ki prav gotovo hočejo kaj od tebe. 

No, včeraj me je med fotografiranjem ogovoril uglajen starejši možakar. Zanimalo ga je, kaj tako zavzeto fotografiram, in pripomnil, da sem prav gotovo umetnica. Sem mu odgovorila, da lučke in nebo, ki je bilo takrat res krasno; po dolgem času sva namreč novoletni blišč v prestolnici ujela podnevi in potem lebdela tam okoli Tromostovja, opazujoč, kako se spušča noč. Lebdela v najboljšem pomenu te besede.

Skratka, beseda je dala besedo in naenkrat me je neznani gospod povprašal po imenu. Mu ga povem in nato reče, če si bom zapisala ali snemala, kar mi bo povedal. Pri roki nisem imela nič takega, zato je kar nadaljeval. Za kratek čas je zamišljeno postal, potem pa kot iz rokava stresel štiri krasne verze, vsake toliko ozirajoč se naokoli, kot da išče navdih, začetne črke vsakega od njih pa so tvorile moje ime.

Oh, takrat mi je pa res postalo žal, da si pesmi nisem zabeležila in nekaj trenutkov kasneje, ko sem se vrnila k Miru, ki je nedaleč stran srebal svoje kuhano vino, in mu vsa vesela obnovila pogovor, me je pokaral tudi on, češ, zakaj ga nisem posnela s fotoaparatom (nisem se spomnila na to možnost, saj res, video, presneto!), sem pa gospodu, tik preden je poskočno odvihral naprej, verjetno trositi srečo še komu drugemu, navdušeno in presenečeno vzkliknila o, kok lepo, hvala! in mu zaželela še lepe praznike.

Je že bil tak srečen dan. Z Mirom sva namreč malo pred tem ugotavljala, kako se dobro počutiva, fizično in psihično, dan je bil tak, najin, malo vetroven, zrak je bil dišeč, nebo akvarelno, um bister, srci pa nasmejani. Po tem naključnem srečanju je bil še lepši; zame, in potem, preneseno, še za Mira. Dan, ko si rečeš: pa kaj potem, če me vsak dan sto ljudi nadere, izrine in ogoljufa, nekaj takihle minut prekrije vse ostalo.

Pesmi torej nimam več, zapomnila pa sem si nekaj o
žaru, iskricah ali o življenju v očeh, ki naj nikoli ne izgine, in to je lepa popotnica ne samo za prihodnje leto, ampak nasploh.

(Ponovno; zelo me žalosti, ker se zadnje čase nekateri posnetki pri nalaganju na blog popačijo ali posvetlijo, tako kot danes nekateri; včasih je tako hudo, da posnetek preprosto ni primeren za objavo.)

[posodobljeno nekaj dni kasneje: problem končno odpravljen!]

Eh, sometimes, when least expected, some tiny beautiful thing happens to you that brightens your day, especially in these uptight and annoying times, when you label every person who as soon as he looks at you, presuming he clearly wants something from you.

Well, yesterday when I was photographing, a polite elderly gentleman spoke to me. He wanted to know what am I photographing so eagerly and that I must be an artist. I replied I was drawn by the lights and the sky, which was really magnificent at the time; namely, after a long time we, Miro and I, have caught that festive splendour in the capital during daytime and then we were lingering there and observing how the night is slowly taking over it.

Anyway, we started talking and suddenly this strange man asked me about my name. I answered him and then he said if I would record or write down what he is going to tell me. I didn’t have anything with me to do this, so he continued. For a couple of seconds he looked around, searching for an inspiration and then, as we say, he threw out from his sleeve four beautiful verses and the initial letters of each of them formed my name.

Oh, it was only then when I felt really sorry about not recording it and some moments later, when I returned to Miro, who was sipping his mulled wine not far away, I heard it also from him, why I didn’t took a video of it (damn, I didn’t remember about the video possibility!), but before this gentleman stormed away with a springy step, probably to spread happiness to other people out there, I said all surprised and joyfully: oh, so beautiful, thank you! and wished him nice holidays.

It was obviously one such happy day. Miro and I had been talking about it just minutes before this happened, how we feel good, physically and psychologically, it was a kind of day that suited our taste, our day, a bit windy, the air smelt deliciously, the sky was aquarelle-like, the mind was clear, hearts were smiling. After this accidental meeting it was even better, for me and then transferred to Miro. A day when you say it doesn’t matter if I am being yelled at, pushed out and cheated hundred times a day, a few minutes like these beat them all.

I didn’t record the poem, but I did remember something about sparkles, passion or the life in my eyes, whishing it would last also in the future and I believe this is a beautiful prosper not only for the new year, but in general.

(Again, it makes me very sad that lately my photos turn out very bad quality or much brighter after I upload them to my blog, as it happened also today; it is sometimes so bad the photo is just not suitable to post it.)

[updated few days later: the problem finally fixed!]

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