sreda, 24. december 2014

Fluorescenčni cuker
Fluorescent sugar

In kaj je lepšega kot izkoristiti obisk Dunaja za špancir med sicer še bolj kičastimi kot pri nas, a, moram priznati, kljub vsemu privlačnimi stojnicami. Decembrsko vzdušje ti pač zamegli pogled, prebudi v tebi naivnega otroka, ki se ga da nafarbati z lučkami in barvami in tonami fluorescentnega cukra. Ma, je lepo! – pa tudi če se njihove znamenite klobasice vse po vrsti niti približno ne morejo kosati z našo. :)

And what’s better than to use the trip to Vienna for a stroll through festive stands, which are even more kitschy than those, here in my town, true, but no less appealing. December fever blinds your reason and wakes up the child inside of you who can easily be outfoxed with lights and colours and tons of fluorescent sugar. Yet, it is nice! – even though all their different famous sausages are not even close to ours. :)

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