Najin dan sva začela, no, jaz, hihi, s kakijevim musom in skuto,
domače in mmm kako dobro! [Stan]
We started our day, well, I did, hihi, with kaki mousse and cottage cheese,
homemade and mmm so good! [Stan]
Nadaljevalo se je s sprehodom, kakodane, po vsej tej megli.
It continued with a walk, whatelse, after all these foggy days.
Gospa Zajklja in gospod Pes sta se vsa sveža in dišeča nastavila soncu.
Mrs Rabbit and Mr Dog were all fresh and aromatic sunbathing.
Ob sončnem zahodu je zaigralo srce.
The sunset was music for our hearts.
V večerno lučkasti Ljubljani pa sta si prav nič kaj sramežljivo
na uho šepetala Julija in France. [Polonapolona]
In the middle of evening festive lights in Ljubljana,
our greatest poet France and his muse Julija were shamelessly whispering to each other. [Polonapolona]
Lep dan:)