Na svojih slikah velikokrat upodabljam geometrične vzorce in simetrijo. Mislim, da se tu pokaže moja grafična izobrazbena podlaga, pa tudi narava tehnike slikanja na steklo s konturami me usmerja v tako likovno izražanje.
Zato bi bil tale prizor, ki sem ga ujela včeraj, prav primeren motiv za kakšno naslednjo sliko. Očarala me je kompozicija, ki je nastala iz tako banalne naprave kot je stojalo za sušenje steklenic oziroma odtekanje vode iz njih. Spet ta igra svetlobe in pa tople barve steklenic v rjavih tonih, kakršne tudi sama v zadnjih letih največ in najraje uporabljam.
Na začetku sem uporabljala močne, žive barve, s katerimi nekako nisem bila povsem zadovoljna. Do »svojih« barv sem prišla, ko sem začela uporabljati znamko drugega proizvajalca, ki ima super barvno lestvico in se lepo razlivajo, da naredijo sliko nekako mehko.
Za konec pa še pojasnilo: te steklenice je sušil moj Miro, ki se je že drugo leto zapored spravil narediti svoje pivo – malo za lastno porabo, malo pa za sorodnike in prijatelje. Če je bilo že lansko super, kaj bo šele letos!
On my paintings I usually do geometrical patterns and symmetry. I think that there my graphic education is shown and also the nature of glass-painting technique itself is directing me in such artistic expression.
That is why this scene I caught yesterday would be just the right choice for one of my future paintings. I was fascinated by composition made of such a banal thing as a stand for drying bottles is. All that game of light again and the warm colours of the bottles in brown tones, just like I mostly use in the last couple of years. On the beginning I was using strong, vivid colours, but the result didn’t please me completely. I found “my own” colours when I started to use colours from another manufacturer. They have a great colour range and the colours have just the right liquidity to make a painting sort of smooth.
And here is a short explanation for the end: these bottles were being dried by my Miro. He started to make his own beer for the second time – some will be consumped by us and the rest by family and friends. For the last years’ beer was great, what can we expect this year!

That is why this scene I caught yesterday would be just the right choice for one of my future paintings. I was fascinated by composition made of such a banal thing as a stand for drying bottles is. All that game of light again and the warm colours of the bottles in brown tones, just like I mostly use in the last couple of years. On the beginning I was using strong, vivid colours, but the result didn’t please me completely. I found “my own” colours when I started to use colours from another manufacturer. They have a great colour range and the colours have just the right liquidity to make a painting sort of smooth.
And here is a short explanation for the end: these bottles were being dried by my Miro. He started to make his own beer for the second time – some will be consumped by us and the rest by family and friends. For the last years’ beer was great, what can we expect this year!

Cool! This "bottleholder" looks somewhat surreal! :)