Nikoli se nisem spraševala, kako se naredi pijača Jägermaister, ko pa je mami te dni od nekoga dobila recept zanj in se spravila na delo, mi radovednost ni dala miru.
V posodo z žganjem in sladkorjem skozi vse leto postopoma mečeš sproti nabrane sveže sestavine, vseh skupaj je 39! Najbolj pa sem bila presenečena, da so vmes tudi take rožice, kot so navadne marjetice in trobentice!
Tole je začetek. Kaj bo nastalo, pa bomo videli in okusili novembra.
You put brandy and sugar to a jar. Then slowly, through a whole year, adding freshly picked, all together 39 ingredients! But the thing that surprised me most was the fact that it includes some of such an ordinary roses as daises and primulas!
This is only the beginning. We’ll see and taste what will happen till November.

V posodo z žganjem in sladkorjem skozi vse leto postopoma mečeš sproti nabrane sveže sestavine, vseh skupaj je 39! Najbolj pa sem bila presenečena, da so vmes tudi take rožice, kot so navadne marjetice in trobentice!
Tole je začetek. Kaj bo nastalo, pa bomo videli in okusili novembra.
I’ve never asked myself how the Jägermeister drink is made, but when my mother received from somebody a recipe and started to work on it, I was to curious to ignore it.You put brandy and sugar to a jar. Then slowly, through a whole year, adding freshly picked, all together 39 ingredients! But the thing that surprised me most was the fact that it includes some of such an ordinary roses as daises and primulas!
This is only the beginning. We’ll see and taste what will happen till November.

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