Dolgo sem se upirala, zdaj pa ga imam tudi sama – svoj spletnik. In april je lep mesec za začetek - pomlad in pričakovanja, nove in sveže misli.
Tu bom objavljala utrinke vsakdana, predvsem pa predstavila svojo dejavnost – slike na steklu, ki nosijo ime AVGUSTvarjanja.
Trenutno je stran še v izdelavi, upam pa, da bo kmalu dobila želeno končno podobo.
Na fotografiji je detajl z ene mojih slik. Za pokušino!
Hvala za obisk!
For a long time I have resisted, and now I have it – my own blog. And april is a nice month to start - spring and expectations, new and fresh thoughts.Here I'll post impressions of everyday life, but mostly I'll show you my paintings on glass. They are called AVGUSTvarjanja.
At the moment this site is still under construction, but I hope it will soon be finished and gets the look and the content that I wish.
On this photo there's a detail from one of my paintings. Just for a taste.
Thank you for visiting!
Thank you for visiting!

Congrats to your new blog! :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks! It means so much, since I'm new here and still struggling :)