Kako lepo se zlijejo s tem prebujajočim se pomladnim časom včerajšnji dan Zemlje, prihajajoči prvomajski prazniki, prav danes pred nekaj trenutki pa je Ljubljana postala svetovna prestolnica knjige za eno leto!
Sicer pa te dni brskam po svojih arhivih (računalniških in tistih po svojih predalih), da zberem na kup fotografije vseh svojih slik na steklu. Med drugim sem naletela tudi na svoje začetke, ko sem kar nekajkrat poslikala kozarce, vaze in sklede.
Tukaj je en tak primer, zbirka štirih kozarcev-kelihov. Spomnim se, kako težavno je bilo, saj sem morala kozarec držati ves čas v roki in to še nekaj časa po tem, ko sem nanesla barvo, da se je vsaj toliko posušila, da ni stekla dol in se je lepo enakomerno porazdelila po površini.
This beautiful time of awakening spring is such a good background for days like yesterday’s Day of the Earth, the coming May Day holidays and just today, an hour ago, Ljubljana became the world capital of the book for one year!Beside that these days I’m searching through my archives (computer ones and those in my drawers) to gather photographs of my paintings on glass. While doing it I found my beginnings – a few times I painted also some glasses, vases and bowls. Here is one such case, collection of four glasses-chalices.
I remember how difficult it was to hold them in my hand while painting, not only to finish it but quite a while after that so that the paint has dried enough and was not pouring down the glass and has evenly spread on the surface.

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