sobota, 30. april 2011

Kresni dan
Bonny day

Dan sva preživela v Logatcu, kjer je Pika uživala v zadnjem muhasto-aprilskem dnevu, Miro pa varil pivo – že tretje leto zapored. In šele letos sem ugotovila, zakaj je njegovo pivo tako dobro: s kvasovkami se je treba pogovarjat! :)

Na poti domov sva se malce okrepčala, potem pa naju je s svojimi magičnimi plameni k sebi zvabil eden izmed mnogih mnogih kresov, ki so osvetljevali temno noč. Živel 1. maj!

We spent the day in Logatec, where Pika was enjoying the last capricious-April’s day and Miro brewed his own beer – this year third in a row. And it was only this time that I figured it out why he makes such a good one: one need to talk with yeasts! :)

On the way home we stopped for a beer and calamari and then we got lured by magic flames of one of many many May Day bonfires that were enlightening the dark night. Long live May Day!

četrtek, 28. april 2011

Tri PODOBE na papirju
Three PODOBE on paper

V moji trgovinici so zdaj prvič na voljo PODOBE AVGUSTvarjanj na PAPIRJU - originali;
[klikni na fotografijo za ogled posamezne slike v trgovini]

For the first time there are PODOBE of AVGUSTvarjanja on PAPER - originals -  available in my shop:
[click on the desired picture to view it in the shop]


*PODOBE = motivi mojih AVGUSTvarjanj na drugih podlagah, ne na steklu, kjer je njihov izvir

*PODOBE (images) = motifs of my AVGUSTvarjanja on backgrounds other than glass, where their izvir (origin) is

ponedeljek, 25. april 2011

Gospa Adamičeva je nedolžna!
Mrs Adamič is innocent!

Iztekajoči se podaljšan konec tedna je minil v znamenju pirhov, tako pri Mirovih kot pri mojih, in testnih voženj z najinim po-sili-razmer "novim" avtom, med drugim tudi današnje, skupaj z mojo sestro, na kavico ob Zbiljskem jezeru.

Izrezovala sem nove in nove narcise, Miro pa je moje morske konjičke malo pomanjšal, jim spremenil barvo in slikico nato uporabil za podlago na svojem nosilcu za mobi.

Že nekaj let pa imamo pri družini mojega strica navado, da pojedino zaključimo z igro cluedo, kjer se gremo pozno v noč detektive in kjer sem ponavadi jaz, gospa Adamičeva, obtožena umora. No, tokrat je bil morilec polkovnik Slana, moj stric, ki ga je razkrinkal duhovnik Pregelj, Miro! :)

This past extended weekend that slowly goes to its end was full of pirhi (Slovenian Easter eggs) at my family and at Miro’s, it was full of test drives with our emergency-forced-bought "new" car, including today for a coffee at Zbilje Lake, together with my sister.

I was cutting out new and new daffodils and Miro made my seahorses a bit smaller, changed their colour and used them as a background image for his mobile-phone holder.

It is tradition for the past few years in my uncle’s family that we conclude the dinner with the cluedo game, where we’re playing detectives late into the night and where most of the times am I, Mrs Adamič, who is accused of a murder. Well, this time the killer was colonel Slana, my uncle, who was discovered by reverend Pregelj, Miro! :)

nedelja, 24. april 2011

Pomladna girlanda
Spring garland

Ko sem v četrtek izrezovala odtise narcise za žrebanje, mi je bil papirni šopek tako zelo všeč,
da sem jih kasneje izrezala še veliko več in iz njih naredila pomladno visečo girlando,
ki sedaj krasi moj delovni kotiček.

Všeč je bila tudi sestri, tako da ena sedaj domuje tudi pri njej.

In izrezovanje se še kar nadaljuje! :)

Na mizi pa so oljčne vejice, ki mi jih je mami prinesla z obale,
in tri nove AVGUSTvarjanja podobe, ki bodo kmalu so že na voljo tudi v moji Etsy trgovinici.

When I was cutting out the daffodil’s prints for the giveaway draw on Thursday,
I liked the paper bouquet so much that I cut them out many more later
and made a spring hanging garland that now decorates my working place.

When my sister saw it, she wanted one for her home also.

And the cutting of daffodils is continuing! :)

On the table there are olive branches that my mom brought me from the seaside
and three new AVGUSTvarjanja images which will soon be are already available in my Etsy shop.

petek, 22. april 2011

Bližnji prijatelji
Close friends

Lepo je imeti prijatelje. Lahko jih imaš blizu, takoj čez ograjo, kakor Zoja, ali pa daleč, za državnimi mejami, pa te vseeno lahko osrečijo; na primer s kakšnim luštno okrašenim paketom. Za danes razkrijem samo to.

Mimogrede pa še to: Zoja je od včerajšnjega žrebanja tako navdušena nad rožicami, da jih še danes voha! :)

It’s nice to have friends. You can have them close to you like Zoja has, or you can have them somewhere far away and they can also make you happy; for example with the package decorated in the most cute way possible. I reveal only this for now.

And by the way: Zoja is so excited over flowers from yesterday’s task, that she just can’t stop smelling them even today! :)

četrtek, 21. april 2011

In zmagovalka je...
And the winner is...

Čestitke dobitnici! :)
(prosim, e-pošlji mi svoj naslov)

Congratulations to the winner! :)

torek, 19. april 2011

Aprilska ljubezen
April love

Opis neke ženske duše:
prebujajoče, razmišljujoče, otožne in strastne,
deževne in cvetoče, kot sam april,
z grozljivo kuliso začetka 2. svetovne vojne -

- ena najlepših ljubezenskih zgodb, April Mire Mihelič.

[v družbi nastajajoče podobe AVGUSTvarjanj]

Description of one female soul:
awakening, reflective, melancholic and passionate,
rainy and blooming like April itself,
with the beginning of World War 2 as a frightening backdrop scene -

- one of the most beautiful love stories, April by Slovene writer Mira Mihelič.

[in company of AVGUSTvarjanja image in progress]

ponedeljek, 18. april 2011


1.    konj izpred nekaj tednov, samo nekaj metrov oddaljen od tega
2.    metulj z nekega lepega pomladnega dne leta 2003, ko sva poležavala pod Sekirico v Logatcu
3.    kuža, ki je radovedno stegoval vrat za nami, ko smo si pred kratkim ogledovali tole
4.    ovca, ki naju je jeseni 2003 sumničavo opazovala nekje na poti s Kočevske v Belo krajino
5.    konjička, »parkirana« pred nakupovalnim centrom v Logatcu, jeseni 2008

1.    a hors from few weeks ago, just across the street from this
2.    a butterfly from one beautiful spring day in 2003 when we were having our own little grass-picnic under the foothills of Sekirica hill in Logatec
3.    a dog that was curiously looking after us, when we were going to see this
4.    a sheep that was suspiciously staring at us somewhere between Kočevska and Bela krajina region in autumn of 2003
5.    two horses that were “parked” in front of the shopping mall in Logatec in autumn 2008

sobota, 16. april 2011

Sobotni večer
Saturday evening

Kakšen prijeten večer sta nam pripravila bratranec in njegovo dekle v njunem novem stanovanju!
Vse dobro v novem življenjskem poglavju!
What a pleasant evening my cousin and his girlfriend prepared for us at their new apartment!
All the best in a new life-chapter!

petek, 15. april 2011

Aprilsko dremanje
April snoozing

Današnje ljubljanske nebesne krajine in vpliv le-teh na romantično-nagajive dušice.

Today's skyscapes in Ljubljana and their influence on romantic-naughty little souls.

četrtek, 14. april 2011

Arhitektura in voda
Architecture and water

Danes sem si ogledala razstavo, kjer Aleš Šeligo predstavlja svoje zanimive arhitekturne projekte.

V turističnem smislu me je najbolj navdušil projekt počitniškega kompleksa na Ljubljanskem barju s simpatičnimi novodobnimi koliščarskimi hišicami, projekt Otok Adria izstopa po dobri ideji sožitja treh držav in rešitvi meje, najbolj domišljijski pa je projekt Virus, ki mu za izhodišče služi mitološka celina Mu in predvideva postavitev nove, sodobne celine, ki bi rasla kot pozitivni virus v Tihem oceanu.

Zaradi naših trenutnih medsosedskih odnosov bi marsikdo sicer zlobno pripomnil, da je najbolj domišljijski projekt Otok Adria. :) 

Today I visited an exhibition of architect Aleš Šeligo, who presents some interesting projects.

In terms of tourism I was most impressed by the project of holiday complex at Ljubljansko barje (Ljubljana marshland) with its cute modern pile-houses, a project The Island of Adria stands out because of its positive idea about coexistence of the three neighbouring countries (Croatia, Italy and Slovenia) and because of the possibility of border solution.
The most imaginative one is The Virus Project that is inspired by the mythological continent of Mu and it provides constitution of a new, modern continent that would grow in the Pacific Ocean like a positive virus.

Even though some people would maliciously comment that The Island of Adria is the most imaginative of all (because of our current neighborly relations). :)

sreda, 13. april 2011

Grozdni krožnički
Little grape-plates

Tako zelo rada imam male zaklade, še posebej, če imajo čustveno vrednost. 

Te lesene krožničke imam od mojega dedka, ki bi bil danes star že čez 100 let. Kljub temu, da se je poklicno ukvarjal s kmetijsko stroko, je imel tudi umetniško žilico – zgornje poslikave so namreč delo njegovih rok in srca.

Slikal je predvsem sadje, táko, ki sem ga poznala, in tudi táko, ki mu nisem vedela imena. Za okrasitev svoje kuhinje pa sem si že davno izbrala vinski set 6+1 krožničkov (podstavkov), ki so poslikani z grozdjem, saj je bila ena od njegovih specialnosti prav poznavanje vin.

Morda pa tudi AVGUSTvarjanja kdaj pristanejo na lesu? :) Vsekakor me mika že dalj časa.

I love little treasures so much, especially if they have emotional value.

These little wooden plates are from my late grandfather, who would now be over 100 years old already. Even though his profession was agriculture, he had this artistic gift – the paintings above are work of his hands and heart.

He mostly painted fruits, different kinds, even some that I didn’t know their names. Because he was also wine connoisseur I chose long ago to keep this wine set of 6+1 little plates (coasters) with grapes to decorate my kitchen.

Maybe AVGUSTvarjanja also lands on wood someday? :) It tempts me for quite some time, that is for sure.
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