ponedeljek, 30. maj 2011

Moj vrt, moja galerija
My garden, my gallery

Kako zanimivo, da so mame vseh mojih prijateljic umetnice! Po izobrazbi sicer vsaka v popolnoma različnih vodah, pa duši pa ustvarjalke.

Mami prve izdeluje prelepe pletene in šivane izdelke in je pravzaprav tudi moja mami :), saj je v tem krogu prijateljic tudi moja sestra, mami druge je slikarka, in tretje keramičarka.

Slednja pravkar sodeluje na skupinski razstavi v sklopu Društva za tretje življenjsko obdobje.

Razstava je čudovita ne samo zaradi lepih in pogosto hudomušnih izdelkov, temveč tudi zaradi krasnega okolja, kjer domuje – na vrtu ene od razstavljavk. Keramične umetnine se namreč kar zlijejo z naravo, tako da se večkrat vprašaš, če je tisto tam prava rožica, ali keramična, če bo tisti metulj zletel, ko se mu približam s fotoaparatom, ali pa je delo nadarjenih rok. Za vsakim grmom preži mucka ali se plazi ježek, na vsaki veji visi kakšna hiška ali zvonček, ob simpatičnem ribniku pa je tudi polno dogajanja.

In kaj je lepšega, kot da ti prijateljica, hčerka mame keramičarke, na poti mimo njenega doma podari še češnje s svojega vrta, sploh po ogledu, ki te napolni s pravljično energijo in sladkim nemirom, da v kakem kotičku tiste vrtne galerije tiči še kakšna žverca, ki se ti je skrila, in si potem zaradi pravkar doživetega domišljaš, da so te češnje ljubki keramični okraski! :)

Razstava je na ogled še do petka, 3. junija, vsak dan med 16. in 19. uro na Kocjanovi 7 v Ljubljani.

Isn’t it interesting that moms of all my girlfriends are artists! Even though professionally completely in different fields they are all artists by their souls.

Mom of the first one makes beautiful knitted and sewn products and she’s actually also my mom :) as there is my sister in our group of friends, too. Second mom is a painter and the third one is a ceramist.

The latter is participating on a group exhibition at the moment, within the Society of Third age.

The show is wonderful not just because of beautiful and many times witty products, but also because of gorgeous surroundings where they are placed – in the garden of one of the participants. Ceramic masterpieces blend with nature so well that you ask yourself now and then if that flower is real or is it ceramic, if that butterfly will fly away if I try to photograph it or is it the work of talented hands. Behind every bush there is a cat lurking or hedgehog crawling, on each branch there is a bell or a little house hanging, and by the cutest pond there is much going on, too.

Is there any nicer thing than receiving cherries from my friend, the ceramist’s daughter, when passing by her garden walking home, especially just after seeing something that fills you up with fairytale energy and with that sweet unrest knowing that there can be many more little naughty beasts still hidden in some corners of that garden gallery. And because you’re still under the magical impression of what you just saw, you imagine for a while that they are cute ceramic cherries! :)

The exhibition will be open until Friday, 3rd of July, every day between 16. and 19. p.m. on Kocjanova 7 in Ljubljana.

Včerajšnje dobrote
Yesterday's goodies

Ledena kava v zavetju dreves in v družbi svežih slik
Šparglji s poširanimi jajci, holandsko omako in olivami
Osvežilen džus iz jagod, banan, jogurta in medu
Tihožitje z mandlji in kamilicami za piko na i

Ice coffee under the tree, surrounded by fresh paintings
Asparagus with poached eggs, hollandaise sauce and olives
Refreshing juice of strawberries, bananas, yoghurt and honey
Still-life with almonds and chamomiles for the icing on the cake

sobota, 28. maj 2011

Dve vrstici
Two rows

Stari parket pred reciklažo.
slabo: prekladanje, štetje, računanje, prah, brušenje, smrad lepila
dobro: poigravanja z različnimi vzorci in veselje po položenih prvih dveh vrsticah
Čudovito bo! :)

Old parquet tiles before recycling.
bad: moving here and there, counting, calculating, dust, sanding, glue smell
good: playing with different patterns and joy after first two rows being placed
It will look wonderful! :)

petek, 27. maj 2011


[sliki 1, 2] Potonika in kaki z dedkovega vrta
[sliki 3, 4] Nalepke za Mirov letošnji pridelek piva

[images 1, 2] Peonies and kaki from grandpa’s garden.
[images 3, 4] Labels for this year's beer made by Miro

četrtek, 26. maj 2011

Pogrešam rdečo
I miss red

Rdečo sem imela od nekdaj zelo rada, na steklu pa se je nekako izogibam, ne vem prav dobro, zakaj. Kot da je premočna za krhko steklo, preponosna, da ne bi bila taka, kot je, presamozavestna, da bi prepuščala svetlobo skoz.
Nje se ne da redčiti s prosojnostjo, saj izgubi svojo moč, medtem, ko je barvam, ki jih najpogosteje uporabljam na steklu - od rumene, preko oranžne, do rjave - taka fina sladka medena prosojnost prav pisana na kožo.

Zadnjič, ko sem poslikavala keramiko, pa se mi je zdelo, kot da tista lepa široka belina kar kriči, da uporabim rdečo barvo. In sem jo. In zdaj sanjam o njej, tudi ko je pred mano bel papir.
Tako tudi včeraj ni bilo dvoma, katero barvo bom pograbila. Mogoče tudi zato, ker nas v tem času že obdajajo prelepi poplesavajoči maki in vse bolj se mi zdi, da so bili tudi tisti na ovalnem keramičnem krožniku prav te čudovite rože.

Ko je mak pod mojim čopičem nastajal, so na papir prileteli štirje posušeni listi oljke, kot da bi ga želeli okrasiti po svoje.

V znamenju rdeče je bil tudi torkov pogrinjek pri sestri, ko smo se punce zbrale na klepetu. Za del hrane sem tokrat poskrbela jaz (testenine-školjkice s čebulo, bučkami, olivami, paradižnikovo mezgo in kajenskim poprom).

Na bivši dan mladosti pa nam je malo za hec, malo zares družbo delala rdeča peterokraka zvezda, da smo obudili spomine na dobre stvari tistega časa, predvsem solidarnost, srčnost, pogum, voljo in pozitivni naboj. Nekje na poti smo marsikaj izgubili, se mi zdi.

Kakorkoli – šele zdaj vidim, kako sem jo pogrešala, rdečo!

I’ve always liked red, but I don’t use it much when painting glass. I’m not sure why. I feel like it’s too strong for gentle glass, too proud not to stand alone, like it is, too self-confident to let the light through herself.
It can not tolerate to loose its power, because diluting with translucency. On the other hand that sweet honey-smooth transparency suit so well to those colours that I use for glass – from yellow, across orange, all the way to brown.

The other day when I was painting ceramics I felt like that beautiful wide whiteness is screaming for colour red. And I did. And now I dream about it even with white paper in front of me.
So there was no doubt even yesterday which colour to grab. Maybe also because there are already many beautiful poppies swinging around us in this time of the year. I even think that ones on that oval ceramic plate were also those wonderful flowers.

As I was painting the poppy four dried olive tree leaves fell on the paper just like they were trying to decorate it on their own way.

Tuesday’s table decoration at my sister’s was also all in colour red. This time I prepared a part of food for the girls (pasta shells with onion, zucchinis, olives, tomato sauce and cayenne pepper).

Yesterday was our ex-holiday, The Day of Youth, as we called it in our ex common country, and we celebrated it, partially for fun and partially for real, with the red star from our ex common flag remembering all the good things from that time, above all solidarity, valour, courage, will and positive spirit. Somewhere along the way we've lost some of these I think.

Anyway - I didn’t realize till now how I have been missing it - colour red!

torek, 24. maj 2011

Žarki svetlobe
Rays of light

Točno pred dvema letoma smo se potikali po Rimu. Mirov oči je šel tja mesec in pol pred tem peš iz Logatca, mi pa smo ga šli iskat.

Seveda smo si v tistem vikendu ogledali kar nekaj znamenitosti. Še vedno name naredi največji vtis Panteon [slika 1], najbolje ohranjena antična stavba v mestu, prvotno namenjena čaščenju bogov.

Nič manj nisem navdušena nad veličastnimi cerkvami, po katerih mi je tako prijetno lebdeti med stebri in občudovati dragocene detajle. Ta prijeten hlad in skrivnosten polmrak, ki ga sem in tja sekajo pisani svetlobni žarki, še posebej prija, ko prideš s peklenske asfaltne vročine, z razgreto glavo od domišljije in razburljivih podob posvetnega Koloseja [slika 7] in Palatina [slika 8].

Najbolj mi je v spominu ostal obisk bazilike sv. Pavla zunaj obzidja [slika 2], ki je edine do takrat še nisem obiskala. Velikanski prostor, zaradi zgodnje ure skoraj nič turistov, pomirjujoče mrmranje in šepetanje peščice ljudi, midva, ki kar sediva, dolgo, dolgo, brez besed, gledava naokoli, navzgor, se čudiva starodavnim gradbenim mojstrom, zlata svetloba, mir. Občutek, ki ostane za vedno.
Na tem linku se lahko virtualno sprehodite po baziliki.

In nenazadnje - poznate občutek, ko se po prijetnem, a napornem celodnevnem ogledovanju znamenitosti v najhujši vročini, nekje poznopopoldne usedete na pivo, po možnosti v simpatični ulici za vogalom Fontane di Trevi [slika 9], in glava poka od vse te fascinantne zgodovine, pa si vendar želi še, in se z družbico spustite v prijeten klepet o že videnih in še načrtovanih poteh in se dušiš v smehu? Hm, neprecenljivo!

slika 3, 4: bazilika sv. Janeza v Lateranu
slika 5: bazilika sv. Petra v Vatikanu
slika 6: bazilika Marije Snežne

Nekatere slike so od Mira ali njegove sestre.

Exactly two years ago today we were wandering across Rome. A month and a half earlier Miro’s dad went there by foot from Logatec and we went pick him up when he reached Rome.

Of course we took the opportunity for some sightseeing. The biggest impression on me still makes the Pantheon [picture 1], the best preserved Ancient building in the city, initially made for worshiping gods.

I am no less impressed by those magnificent churches. I like so much to float amongst all those columns and admire precious details. That pleasant coolness and mysterious gloom that is now and then intersect by rays of coloured light is especially soothing when you come from hell hot asphalt, with a heated head of the imagination and exciting images of earthly Colosseum [picture 7] and Palatine Hill [picure 8].

The most powerful impression for me is from the Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls [picture 2], the only one I haven’t visited before. A huge space, because of the early hour almost no tourists, calming murmuring and whispering of handful of people, us two just sitting, a long, long time, wordless, looking around, up, admiring ancient master builders, golden light, peace. The feeling that stays forever.

And last but not least – do you know the feeling when, after pleasant but tiring day full of sightseeing in the worst heat somewhere in the late afternoon, you sit down to have a beer, possibly in cute little alley just around the corner of Fontana di Trevi [picture 9], and your head wants to explode from all that fascinating history and yet crying for more, and you fall into conversation with your little gang about already seen paths and those still to come and when you choke with laughter? Hm, priceless!

picture 3, 4: Basilica of St. John Lateran
picture 5: St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican
picture 6: Basilica of Saint Mary Major

Some pictures are taken by Miro or his sister.

ponedeljek, 23. maj 2011

Skrivnostni cvetlični trikotnik
Secret flower triangle

Včeraj sva se podala na lov za travniško modro čebulico, rožico, ki jo v Sloveniji najdemo samo na Planinskem polju, v nekaterih virih pa sem našla podatek, da edino celó v Evropi. V vsakem primeru je dragocena umetnina narave, ki cveti konec maja ali v začetku junija.

Na zemljevidu Planinskega polja sva si označila trikotniček, kjer naj bi rasla, vendar moram poročati, da je bila misija neuspešna.

Namesto tega sva se bosonoga zleknila v eno izmed mikavnih poznopopoldanskih senčk in kovala načrte o tem, kako, kje in kdaj bova našla skrivnostno scillo litardierei. V družbi Kathy-jine Plumite sva občudovala ostale lepotice, ki krasijo privlačne travnike Planinskega polja in naredila spet novo serijo nepozabnih posnetkov za v najin osebni album.

Yesterday we went for a hunt for a meadow squill, a little flower from Planinsko polje, the only place in Slovenia that it can be found, and according to some other sources even the only place in Europe. One way or another it is a precious masterpiece of nature which blossoms at the end of May or at the beginning of June.

We marked a little triangle on the map of Planinsko polje, an area where they suppose to grow, but sadly I must report that our mission was unsuccessful.

Instead we layed down in one of the tempting late-afternoon shadows, barefoot and making plans on how, where and when we’ll find the mysterious scilla litardierei. In a company of Kathy’s Plumita we were admiring other beauties that adorn appealing meadows of Planinsko polje and we made yet another set of unforgettable photo-moments for our personal album.

sobota, 21. maj 2011

Kot sladkosned v tovarni čokolade
Like a sweeth-tooth in a chocolate factory

Danes sem bila v Keramiki Bojnec, kjer smo mala skupinica navdušencev lahko ure in ure poslikavali keramiko po mili volji. Ob obilici še neposlikane keramike, ki nam je bila na voljo, smo se počutili kot sladkosned v tovarni čokolade! :)

Ker so moji prvi keramični poskusi oddaljeni že kar ohoho let, sem se počutila, kot da bi bila popolni začetnik. Šele ko sem prijela čopič v roke, sem se počutila malce bolj domače.

Tole je moje današnje delo, vključno z lončkom, ki sem ga poslikala z balonom posebej za Mira. :) Zdaj je na vrsti še peka, potem pa postanem ponosna lastnica teh kosov keramike z AVGUSTvarjanja podobami! Komaj čakam! :)

Today I was in Bojnec Ceramics with a small group of art-enthusiasts. We were painting different pieces of ceramics for hours and hours there, as much as we wanted. We felt like a sweeth tooth in a chocolate shop with all those different pieces available to us. :)

Since my first ceramics-attempts are already ohoho years far away, I felt like complete beginner – that is until I took a paintbrush in my hands.

This is my today’s work, including blue balloon tea-cup especially for Miro. :) Now it’s baking time and after that I’ll become a proud owner of these ceramics pieces with AVGUSTvarjanja images. I hardly wait! :)
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