Danes sva se udeležila Pohoda ob žici in, za razliko od preteklih let,
lepo in počasi prehodila samo eno etapo.
Najprej objavljam samo tiste klasične, čudovite poglede na sončno-zelene perspektive
s Poti spominov in tovarištva, tiste malo drugačne pa kdaj drugič, mogoče že jutri.
Lepo nedeljo vam želim!
Today we attended the Pohod ob žici, the traditional memorial march around the capital.
We walked just one piece of the circle this year, slowly but in good mood.
For now I’m posting just these beautiful classical views of sunny-green perspectives
from the Path of Remembrance and Comradeship.
Those a bit different views that came by I’ll show you some other time, maybe even tomorrow.
Have a nice Sunday!
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