Že šesto leto zapored sva se udeležila pohoda Ob žici okupirane Ljubljane. Petkrat sva prinesla domov medalji za prehojen ves krog, ki meri 33 kilometrov, tokrat pa sva ostala brez, saj sva zbrala le dva žiga od osmih.
Ker sva nekako računala s tem, nisva razočarana. Vreme ni bilo prav spodbudno; skoraj ves čas je rahlo deževalo, prvič v vseh letih, kar se udeležujeva pohoda. Predvsem pa nisva v najboljši kondiciji in s pretiravanjem bi si lahko naredila več škode kot koristi.
Tako sva se odločila za počasnejši tempo in zabeležila nekaj utrinkov;
For a sixth time in a row we attended the March along the path around Ljubljana, which is 33 kilometres long.
During the Second World War Ljubljana was surrounded with a barb wire. On that way Italian and later German forces tried to prevent contact between the city and its surroundings. The March is held for the 54th time this year and marks the liberation of Ljubljana on 9th of May 1945.
The walkway is very well signed, it offers beautiful views, there are benches along the way and it is also very popular for recreational walks during the whole season.
Every year there are many participants on the March. They collect stamps on 8 checkpoints and those who make the whole circle get medals.
We won 5 medals in a row in the past years, but this time we didn’t make it. We didn’t practise it at all lately, so we are not disappointed. Beside that the weather wasn’t motivating, it rained trough the whole time for the first time in those years that we attended.
It’s better not to overdo it so we decided for lower tempo and collected 2 stamps only. Here are a few moments:

Novi most čez bodočo Titovo cesto;
New bridge across the future Titova street:
New bridge across the future Titova street:

Celotna pot je označena s tem znakom;
Entire pathway is signed with this logo:
Entire pathway is signed with this logo:

Tu sva končala sanje o novi medalji;
Here we ended our dreams of a new medal:

Namesto hoje kavica;
Coffee instead:
Coffee instead:

Zbirka dosedanjih medalj;
So far collected medals:
So far collected medals:

Bravo! Moja mama je letos drugič prehodila celo pot in se je bahala z medaljo. Mi pa zaradi dežja po dolgem času nismo šli naokrog. Zelo nam je žal. Šmrk.
OdgovoriIzbrišiJa, res je en poseben občutek, ko prideš na cilj.
OdgovoriIzbrišiŠtartamo ponovno na drugo leto! :)