

Konec tedna je bil pester. Pred neusmiljeno vročino se ni dalo skriti nikjer. Niti pod improvizirano streho na pikniku v Logatcu niti kasneje, ko sem se raje umaknila pod bolj prijazno sosednjo trto. (slika 1)
Petkova otvoritev je krasno uspela! Kako lepo je slišati od ljudi, da so jim moje slike všeč in od nekaterih celo da jih imajo doma ali pa so jih videli pri kom drugem, slike, na katere sem skorajda že pozabila.
Skratka, spoznala sem, da bi jih morala večkrat postaviti na ogled, takole v živo je res čez vse. Prijeten občutek. Toplo pri srcu. S ščepcem adrenalina. :)
Fotoaparat je bil tokrat za spremembo v Mirovih rokah in je med drugim zabeležil tudi ta utrinek. (slika 2)
Poleg tega je z dogodki prenatrpan vikend postregel še z veliko smeha zaradi torte (bolje rečeno njenih ostankov), ki nam je bila, po tem, ko je bila doma narejena in (nedvomno) slastna in lepo okrašena ter takoj za tem, tik pred našim prihodom, zaradi nerodnosti vržena po tleh, postrežena kar v loncu, saj je kljub nesreči izgledala bolj mikavno kot tista naknadno kupljena v trgovskem centru. Seveda, očitno sem se raje smejala kot fotografirala. :)
Nedelja je bila malenkost bolj umirjena, če ne upoštevam dejstva, da me je Miro že takoj po izteku sobote praktično prisilil [»Sestavinam bo potekel rok!« :)], da naredim tiramisu za h kavici in fotoprojekciji naslednji dan.
Super vikend pravzaprav!
The end of the week was full of events. There was no way to escape the relentless heat, even under an improvised roof at the picnic in Logatec, not even later when I rather moved myself under a bit friendlier nearby vine. (picture 1)
The opening was a success! It is so nice to hear from people that they like my paintings, from some even that they own one or they’ve seen it at somebody else, paintings that I’ve nearly forgotten about.
Anyway, I realized that I should do this more often, show my paintings live to people like I did it on Friday. Nice feeling. Warm at heart. With a pinch of adrenaline. :)
This time Miro was in charge of my photo camera. He documented the event and here’s one of the moments he caught. (picture 2)
Beside all that this busy weekend gave us also plenty of laughter because of the homemade and (undoubtedly) delicious and beautifully decorated cake (or better its leftovers) that we ate from a pot. Because of the clumsiness it fell off the plate just before we arrived, so they served us with not-even-close-as-good cake bought in the shopping centre after the accident. Of course, I obviously rather laughed than photographed. :)
Sunday was a bit more peaceful, if I don’t take into account that Miro already after the end of Saturday practically forced me [“The ingredients are about to expire!” :)] to make tiramisu to enjoy it the next day together with coffee in a photo-projection afternoon.
Great weekend actually!
Me veseli, da je otvoritev super uspela in da so bili ljudje navdušeni. Je pa bilo res neverjetno soparno ta vikend, da se je komaj dalo dihat. To s torto pa je tudi bilo zabavno :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiJa, saj bo kmalu zima, pa bomo spet jamrali, ane! :)