torek, 17. julij 2012

Šmartno ob mraku
Šmartno at dusk

Kakorkoli, po ogledu slik, nekje med pogovori in lebdenjem med razgreto galerijo s pripadajočimi pritličnimi prostori, kjer so se mize šibile od dobrot, še posebej sem bila navdušena nad koruznimi zrni, obdelanimi na nek hrustljav, meni neznan način (predzadnji posnetek prejšnje objave), in zunanjščino, luštno uličico v sredozemskem stilu, kjer je vlekel osvežujoč veter, sva se z Mirom odločila za en sprehod, kar tako, s kozarcem vina v rokah, saj sva se počutila tako domače, uličice so bile kot podaljšek galerije in célo mestece pravzaprav kot ena velika prijazna kamnita hiša z nebom namesto strehe, kjer je tu in tam posedala kakšna družba, célo Šmartno je kot razstava na prostem, celo dobesedno, saj so hiše opremljene s fotografijami prenove.

[Uf, tole je bila ena (1!) poved. Že tako ali tako pogosto rada pišem na tak način, če pa imam za deliti občutek, ki je kar prelep za ubesediti, pa se mi zdi, da moram vse povedati v eni sapi, ker če bi prekinila s piko, bi se mi le-ta izmuznil, še toliko, kot ga sploh lahko opišem. Še dobro, da imam kdaj prebliske tudi s kratkimi stavki. Le-ti so marsikdaj celo zgovornejši.]

Anyway, after viewing the paintings, somewhere between talks and lingering between heated gallery with its ground floor spaces where tables were weakened by goodies, I was especially excited by corn seeds prepared in some crispy way, unknown to me (the photo before the last in the previous post), and the outside cute little Mediterranean style alley refreshed by a wind, Miro and I decided to take a walk, just like that with a glass of wine in a hand, feeling so comfortably home. Those alleys were like the extension of the gallery and the whole town was actually like one big pleasant roofless stone house, where here and there a group of people sat, the whole Šmartno looks like an open air gallery, even literary, since the houses are decorated with the town’s renovation photos.

[I’m sorry about the long sentence. My language is so fluent it just invites you to write without a dot and I often like to make such long sentences when I want to share a feeling too beautiful to be put into words, so I have to write it in one breath, because even a dot is too sharp for it and it can easily slip away, even the one that I can describe. But I did cut the upper paragraph in two, unlike in my language, because I’m afraid otherwise you loose in these my poor English acrobatics anyway. :) On fortunately I sometimes have short-sentence flashes, too.]

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