A si si zapomnila!? je precej strogo vprašal Miro.
Kaj …? lezem skupaj.
Jah, kaj! Kako sem naredu kosiu! Če boš na blog dala. Pol me ne več sprašvat, ker bom pozabu!
Uf, s tem se ne gre hecat, zato raje ponižno in zavzeto vprašam:
Aha, ja, ja, kako že točn?
Torej, če sem si prav zapomnila, heh, je dal kose morskega psa najprej v kvašo iz olivnega olja, popra, kurkume, česna in zeliščne soli, potem pa jih je oblekel v pivsko testo in ocvrl. Ja, nekaj takega. Bi morala objaviti, ko je bilo še sveže v glavi. :)
In - nikar ne pozabite, da je potem vedno še tale dodaten pritisk, kar se tiče fotografiranja hrane. :)
Have you kept it in mind!? Miro asked me quite strictly.
What …? I am getting smaller.
Jah, what! How I made this lunch! If you’ll put it on blog. Don’t ask me later, coz I’ll forget!
Uf, you don’t want to risk that, so I rather humbly and eagerly ask:
Aha, ja, ja, how exactly was it made then?
So, if I have remembered correctly, heh, he put the slices of shark into marinade made of olive oil, ground pepper, curcuma, garlic and herbal salt. Then he dipped them into beer dough and fried them. Ja, something like that. I really should post this while it was still fresh in my head. :)
And - do not forget, there is always an additional pressure of this, too, when it comes to photographing food. :)
Tole pa moram preizkusiti. Izgleda prav slastno.
OdgovoriIzbrišiJa, je res dobro - pa nima nobenih tistih nadležnih koščic. :)