ponedeljek, 29. april 2013

Drobni darovi
Tiny gifts

V Volčjem Potoku mi je od nekdaj najbolj všeč tale prehod iz štorov, ki te popelje
na drugo stran jezerca - taka pustolovsko-romantična mešanica, ani!
Of all the features in Volčji Potok my favourite has always been this cute stump-passage
to the other side of the lake - such a romantic-adventurous mixture, isn't it!

Kot nagajivi zeleni spomladanski metuljčki v trebuhu! :)
Like the naughty green spring butterflies in a stomach! :)

Občudujem drevesa - kakšna življenjska sila! I admire trees - what a life force!

Te barve, srčnost, ljubkost, vonj in žar - domišljam si, da je vse to samo za nas,
da nam krasi življenje. Gotovo je, kako če biti drugače! :)
All these colours, heartness, cuteness, smell and passion - I pretend
it is all here just for us to adorn our lives. It must be, what else! :)

Pravljična pokrajina - podobna tistim iz prvinskega spomina.
Fairytale landscape - like the ones from a primal memory.

Knjige = narava, narava = knjige. Books = nature, nature = books.

Spokojnost Tranquillity

Mogočno starodavno rdeče drevo se napaja z ljubeznijo.
Mighty ancient red tree is powered by love.

Prostor za samo sedeti in biti. Place to just sit and be.

Prostor za samo sedeti, biti in ljubiti. Place to just sit, be and love.

Dva svetova, tako blizu drug drugemu. Two worlds, so close to each other.

Še ena sanjska pokrajina - podobna tistim od nekod globoko.
Another dreamy landscape - like those from somewhere deep.

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